scene 115- two

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A small ball of golden light floated through the window. It hovered above Wild's bed for a moment before Wild appeared in its place.

Twilight stood up and ran up the stairs. When he reached Wild, he gasped.

No more than a minute after Wild appeared, Time burst through the door, breathing heavily.
"Is Wild here?"
"Yes," Twilight called down. "He's up here. He doesn't look too good."
Time nodded and hurried up, grabbing Wild's bags on the way up.

When he got up, he walked over to the bed and set the bags down. He searched through them and found a bandage and other medical supplies. He bandaged up Wild's head, along with other spots that he found.

He didn't want to ask what Wild had done. Anyway, Wild wasn't even awake. He couldn't answer, even if he wanted to.

He looked up at Twilight, not pausing with the bandages.
"How did you know this would happen?"
He stopped wrapping the bandages around Wild's head. There was a short silence, then he quietly said,
"It almost did the same thing to me." He sighed and resumed applying the bandages. He spoke slightly louder, at a normal volume. "But I was able to control it. Wild, not so much. He isn't as... mentally strong as I am. Or... was. Not as strong as I was."

"Oh. I guess that makes sense."
Time sighed again.
"That means that he might not be getting better. At least, not as much as we thought."

Wild slowly opened his eyes, and Twilight gasped. They were still glazed over. They were still empty. Lacking emotion or feeling.

"Wild? Are you okay?"
There was no answer. Instead, Time put his hand on Twilight's shoulder.
"He isn't quite awake yet. It'll be a while before he wakes up completely."
Twilight looked up at him.
"How do you know?"
"I can tell."

He couldn't really. That was just a hope. He hoped that Wild would wake up eventually. For all he knew, he'd be like that forever.

He turned away and walked down the stairs, leaving Twilight alone with Wild.

He needed some time alone.

He left the house, picking up the mask and sword on his way out. He had brought those back with him. He didn't want some unsuspecting traveler getting ahold of it.

He went around to the back of the house and sat down.

What would happen next?
At this rate, Wild might as well be that damn mask salesman.

He said he had found it. How? How would he just find something like this? Just sitting in the dirt, or wherever it was.

And it still had immense power. Enough to nearly kill Wild. Enough to destroy... whatever he had been trying to destroy. It definitely had something to do with Malice.

Speaking of which, it seemed that Zelda using her power had gotten rid of all of the Malice, which was good. That stuff burned.

He was tempted to put the mask on, but he knew better than that.

He thought back to what Wild had said to him in that other language.

"It's coming soon. They'll both be gone. This time, he won't be coming back."

Then, what he had whispered in his ear...

"Third time's a charm, isn't it? You remember, don't you?"

He sighed and looked down at the mask in his hands. It hadn't really been Wild speaking. It was the mask. And it had been so vague. What did "it's coming soon" mean? What did it mean by "they'll both be gone," and "this time, he won't be coming back?"

What was "it?" Who were "they?" What was "this time?" Who was "he?"
He had a bad feeling about it. Was it talking about Wild? It sure seemed like it, especially since it mentioned that "third time's a charm" thing.

What was that even supposed to mean? Third time's a charm...
It really wasn't. It was just a stupid little saying. It didn't mean anything.

He stood up, clutching the mask and sword. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't destroy this. It would release too much power, energy, and magic, and that was the last thing this world needed.


She yelled at him...
He was only doing his job...
And he couldn't tell the king what she said, or he'd yell at him...

She'd never accept him...

Ah, what was he doing, getting upset over something like this?
He wiped his eyes with his sleeve.
Stupid him. It wasn't that important. It wasn't that bad.

So why did he feel so isolated? And why was he so upset about it? He was used to it. He was used to being an annoyance.

"Best knight."
He was the best knight. But that didn't mean he was right for this job. He was terrible at it. He was so awkward, just silently following her, not saying a word.

There was a lot of pressure. He had to do everything perfectly. Otherwise, who knew what would happen? He could lose this job, or even worse, get kicked from the guard. Everyone would be so disappointed in him. They would be so upset.
Especially Ailey and his mother.

He climbed onto his horse and rode away. If the princess wanted to be left alone, he'd leave her alone. Anyway, he needed some alone time right now.

Sulking in front of her wouldn't give him a good image.

If he did what she wanted, maybe she'd warm up to him.

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