scene 116- times

311 7 6

It had been several hours, and Wild still hadn't woken up. Twilight was upstairs with him, sitting in a chair by the bed. Time was sitting in the corner, staring off into space. Wind was still asleep, and everyone else was talking amongst themselves.

Twilight had tried to ask Time if he thought Wild would get up soon, but he didn't answer. In fact, he didn't even react. He just sat there, motionless. He appeared to be fine, but he sure wasn't acting it.

After a few minutes, he had given up trying to talk to Time, and instead checked on Wind. Wind was also still asleep.
He had woken up at the explosion, but at some point after Wild and Time came back, he went back to sleep.

It was getting quite late. Most everyone had started getting their sleeping bags out. Twilight watched them from above. He should probably get his, too. He didn't want to, though. He wanted to stay up here with Wild. Actually, he could bring his sleeping bag up here. That would work.

He noticed that Time wasn't getting his sleeping bag. He hadn't moved since he asked him about Wild. In fact, he hadn't moved since he sat down there.

Twilight was starting to worry about him. Actually, he had been worried about Time since he went to ask him about Wild. Because, you know, he wouldn't respond to anything.

He decided to just give him some time. Maybe he wasn't answering because he wanted to be left alone.

Twilight went down the stairs and found his sleeping bag. He brought it back up and unrolled it on the floor. He didn't put it right next to the bed, so that if Wild woke up, he wouldn't step on him. It wasn't likely that he'd even get out of the bed, but still. It was possible.

It took him a while to get to sleep. Why? He was worried about three different people. Wild, Time, and Wind.
Eventually, though, he fell asleep. Eventually.


He stood in a field. It wasn't Hyrule field. He didn't see the castle.

Zelda was sleeping peacefully on the ground in front of him.
Wait, no-

third time's a charm


Wild was practically dead. He had no idea if Wild would be able to surv9ve any longer. But he couldn't tell Twilight. Twilight would probably stop everything in favor of taking care of Wild, even taking care of himself.
That wouldn't be good. Then, they'd have two half-dead people on their hands. Maybe even one dead person and one half-dead person. Actually, Wind wasn't doing too well either. That would add another half-dead person.

Goddesses, he was thinking dark. To be fair, what had happened that day was pretty bad. There were two people in the house who nearly died.
What an eventful day. Wild had nearly murdered Wind, then he left, then he came back and gave them his sword, then left again, then came back with that mask, put it on, was essentially possessed by it, nearly got killed by it, was sent back, and was now unconscious in his bed.

He sighed and relaxed a little. There wasn't much he could do for Wild at the moment. Maybe his Zelda could help, but she was busy. Anyway, it was late. And she obviously didn't want to see him. He could understand why. Wild was... in quite the state. He looked awful.

His eyes... all cloudy and glazed over, like he wasn't actually seeing anything. Like he was blind, almost.

The eyes are the window to the soul. He remembered being told that. It made sense. Lots of emotion is portrayed through the eyes. So what did it mean if they looked like that?

Was Wild still hiding something? Was he really any better than before? He honestly couldn't tell.

What he could tell, however, was that there was definitely something up with his Zelda. She seemed almost hateful towards Wild, yet she cared so much for his wellbeing. Maybe it was that she cared too much. Well, not too much. More like that she didn't want to see him like this.

Wild was just too important to her. And he understood that. It made sense. He could relate, just a bit. Of course, he had never been in a situation quite like hers, but if he was, he'd feel similar.

It made him think. Both Wild and his Zelda had been through a lot. More than most of them had. And what had happened to them... well, it wasn't comparable to his story. Sure, he had seen the world end over and over again, but he didn't have a real relationship with any of those people. And he wasn't really faced with any guilt.

Next to Wild's story, his was nothing. Not nearly as much death. Sure, there was a bit of an apocalypse, but it was minuscule compared to this Hyrule. Sure, a lot of time passed, but one hundred is so much more than seven.

He had seen some very frightening and disturbing things, but Wild had seen much worse. Wild had seen his own death. He had seen what those guardians could do. He had seen what the Malice could do. He had seen the long term effects of an apocalypse.

He had been able to prevent deaths. Wild wasn't. Wild had to deal with the guilt of what he thought was letting all of those people die. In reality, it wasn't his fault. It didn't happen because of him.

And it wasn't his fault that Wild was like this. It wasn't his fault that Wild had killed himself twice now. It wasn't his fault.

Yet he felt like could have prevented most of this if he had only paid more attention. If he had taken action. If he wasn't always watching from the background. If he was more than just an observer.

He could go back and prevent this, but he felt like no matter what he did, nothing would change. His efforts wouldn't matter.
Anyway, he really didn't want to do this time travel stuff again. He was done with that. Hopefully.

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