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After my mother left it was just me and Taehyung left. He asked me if he could stay here since his house is quite far from mine. I just went to do my skincare routine while Taehyung was with Yejun. Suddenly my phone rang but it was an unknown number. "Hello?" I answered. The guy had a very deep voice, even deeper than Tae's. But i recognized that voice. "Hey Yewon...with Junho, it's been a very long time since we talked to each other. I'll explain to you why i left, could we still meet up today?" Tears were almost forming in my eyes. I missed him so much... "Sure, where should we meet up?"

He told me where we could meet up and i got put some basic clothes on and went downstairs where Taehyung and Yejun were asleep on the couch. I chuckled at the two, they were so cute. I sighed before opening the door. I should be prepared, don't yell at him, just let him explain. I breathed out and in and finally left my house.

We were going to meet at the place where we had our first date! Well at least close to it. Our first date was at the movies but we decided to see each other at one of the supermarkets next to it since it was closed already. That's where i saw him, he changed quite a lot through out the years. He used to have normal black brown-ish hair, but now he suddenly has dirty blonde hair. He smiled as he saw me and walked towards me. He gave me a quick hug and cleared his throat.

We sat down and there was a very awkward silence between us. "So...can you explain why you left?" I started and he nodded. "I left you because, i never told you this but i had to go move to Japan since it was a part of my study and i also left because i couldn't take care of a kid, Yewon, you were 16 and i was 18. It would just be weird," i agreed with him. "Then i decided to stay in Japan forever and start a new life, i did." My heart broke, i felt sadness taking over me.

I mean, why so suddenly? He could've started a life with me. "So? What happened?" I asked, he fiddled with his fingers for a while and took a deep breathe. "I got a new girlfriend, she's actually 1 month pregnant.." my eyes widened. "What?" I was so shocked..i couldn't believe it. He basically just left me with a different girl. "Please don't be mad, i have a reason for it," he said and i calmed down but that didn't mean i was still mad. "I decided to start a family with a different girl, you might wonder, why not with you?" I nodded.

"We didn't mean to have a child, you know that Yewon. It would just leave me in guilt that i impregnated a 16 year old girl. So when you told me i decided to leave because i knew that life would be difficult especially with your parents finding out that a 18 year old impregnated a 16 year old and i know how strict your father is," i actually was relieved. I wasn't mad anymore, i understand him.

I was young and dumb, i didn't mean to get pregnant. I would understand that he left. "But you could have at least left a note?" He nodded, "yeah but i wanted to leave as soon as possible. I'm sorry, very very sorry." I accepted his apology even though he didn't keep in touch with me. "We could still stay as friends?" He suggested and i liked that. Junho isn't a bad guy. He's very nice and caring, he does do dumb things sometimes but that's what makes Junho him.

We both smiled at each other. We knew both that we missed each other, but just in a friendly way. "How have you been? Have you moved on? How is Yejun?" He bombarded me with questions which made me chuckle. He's always been very caring. "I'm fine, my parents are probably gonna get a divorce though, i have not moved on yet since i was still very worried of you and Yejun is just living the time of life," we laughed. I missed this.

Time passed as we talked to each other. But he had to sadly leave, "i have to go, i'm going back to Japan tomorrow," i nodded. "Hey, could you introduce me to your girlfriend?" He smiled, "of course, but to be honest you are still prettier," i chuckled. "You shouldn't say that," he nodded. "Well, i guess this is good bye then. I'll see you  again sometime," i agreed with him.

"Keep me updated yeah? With you and Yejun," i nodded. "Alright, my taxi is coming. Bye Yewon," he smiled and we hugged one last time and he was gone. I went back home and i saw Taehyung on the phone and Yejun still sleeping. His eyes widened when he saw me. "There you are! Oh my god i was worried sick! Where were you?" He asked.

It was cute that he worried about me, "i met up with Junho," he was shocked. "What!? Where is he?! I'm going to-" i calmed him down. "Don't worry, he explained everything and we decided to stay as friends." Taehyung sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to him telling me to sit down. "You should rest, i'll put Yejun to bed," i nodded and watched in amazement as he took Yejun to his room.

It made me smile every time i would see Taehyung with a kid, i might have said that a lot but i'm just very amazed. Imagine Taehyung with a family...that would be adorable. I smiled to myself.

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