Chapter 35: Hurt

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Claire Johnson

I walked home from the hotel. I guess it was a far walk. It took me over an hour and by the time I reached my driveway it was around midnight. Cam and Nash were probably worrying about me, but my phone had died and I couldn't have answered my phone.

Ohh my god I kissed Shawn! What am I going to tell Nash? I panicked as I was walking up my street. At the same time I liked it at first, but then when the memory came back. I felt so hurt. What should I do? How am I supposed to tell Nash?

As I walked up my driveway, I saw the living room lights on. I went up to my door unlocking it and walked inside. As soon as I closed the door, Nash and Cam came rushing from the living room panicking. Nash came up to me and hugged me tight.

"Ohh my god where have you been?!" He asked worriedly.

"Shawn called and told us you left the hotel early before we could pick you up," Cam said sighing in relief that I was here.

"I just needed to take a walk," I reassured them.

"You scared us. We tried calling and texting you." Nash said pulling back from me. He still held me by my waist.

"Guys I'm fine, I'm really sorry my phone died. What matters is that I'm safe and I'm not hurt. Everything is okay." Nash and Cam looked glanced at each other for a moment then look back at me.

"D-did something happen between you and Shawn?" Nash asked softly. I slowly pulled Nash's hands away from my hands and bit my lip. I looked down at my feet feeling my heartbeat rising and my cheeks warming up. I didn't think I was going to tell him now. Nash took his hand bringing it to my chin lifting me up so I was looking right into his eyes.

"Nash..." I said quietly feeling guilty. My eyes started to water a little. He shut his eyes sighing.

"You kissed back?"


"I need some time alone," he said opening his eyes that looked very pained and hurt. My heart shattered because I've never seen Nash like this. This whole time he had been so good to me and I'm the one to ruin everything. He was my first boyfriend. He walked passed me towards the door.

"Wait Nash. Let me ex-" he closed the door without hearing what I had to say. I was about to go after him when Cam grabbed me and guided me to the living room.

"Just let him have his space right now," Cam explained to me.

"This is all my fault," I said shakily wiping the tears away. "I feel so bad but..."

"You like Shawn?"


"Nash is going to be fine. I promise. If you like Shawn then you should talk to him."

"I-I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I remember." Cams eyes widen.

"Are you sure?" I nodded. "So you remember everything then?"

"I think so."

"So what do you think?" I looked at him puzzled.

"What do you mean?"

"To remember everything?"

"Painful." I looked up at Cam and he was unsure what to say next. "I think I'm just going to go to bed early tonight."

"Sure," he looked at me sadly. "It's not your fault." I looked at him then stood up and walked into my room. I fell asleep as soon as I plugged my phone in and my head had hit the pillow.


I walked down the stairs to smelling pancakes and blueberry muffins. I walked into the kitchen to see Nash making breakfast. He was in an apron and a chefs hat? Where did the chefs hat come from? He was facing away from me so he couldn't see me coming in.

I wasn't really sure if we were on speaking terms and the guilt had been in me the whole time. I didn't get much sleep as I thought about everything. I walked over to the island and sat on the stool.

"Good morning Nash," I said trying to be cheerful, but kind of failed. Nash turned around and looked at me then turned back around and I sighed. I played with my hands and watched Nash as he finished up the batch off muffins putting those on a plate and finishing up the pancakes.

He placed two pancakes on three plates, a muffin and he poured syrup on two of the plates, grabbed a fork. He placed a plate in front of me and sat down across from me staring to eat his food.

"Thank you," I said quietly looking at him with hopeful eyes that he would say something to me. Instead he continued eating and avoided making any eye contact with me. I dropped my gaze and looked at the plate that Nash had made for me.

Tears were threatening to spill out of my eyes. I started eating my pancakes in silence trying to keep myself from tearing up. I feel terrible for what I have done. Nash finished his plate and stood up walking over to the sink to wash his plate out. Then he left the kitchen and I assumed he went into the living room.

Moments later after I finished my pancakes. I sighed and let the tears slowly come out. I felt the hot tears roll down my cheeks. It hurts me that I've hurt someone else. I didn't mean for all of this to happen.

I slowly stated taking pieces off of the muffin to eat it. It was really good. At this point there was no point of trying to enjoy the rest of the senior events. I don't deserve to. Nash probably won't take me to prom and he'll probably take a flight back home tonight. Cam will probably go too since they're so close.

"Claire?" I snapped out of my thoughts to see Cam looking right at me with concern. He handed me a napkin and I wiped my face off.

"Are you guys going to leave me here alone?" I asked quietly. Cam looked at me in awe.

"No. Of course we wouldn't. We would never do that to you. Plus you have prom tonight."

"I'm not going."

"What do you mean you're not going? You have to go."

"Nash asked me and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to go with me."

"No, no he's going with you." I looked up to see my vision blurred and I started sobbing.

"He hates m-me. I d-don't deserve to g-go." I heard movement coming from the living room then saw Nash enter back into the kitchen. He had a guilty, sad expression and his jaw was tighten. I stood up quickly and ran up to my room before Cam could say anything.

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