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From the time we're born, our soulmate is predetermined for us by the universe. We don't know who it is, of course, until we're deemed mature enough to understand the significance of love. When are we old enough? I guess it varies for different people; most people, on average, learn by the time they're around 18. There are some lucky souls who possess the knowledge of love at a very young age, it may be because of how they were brought up, it may be because of experience in trying to find "love". You know, that middle school "love" that no one likes to talk about? Sometimes that can be a good thing, we learn from our mistakes of trying to create a connection out of one common interest, and this teaches us the true meaning of love in the process.

Once you are deemed mature enough to understand love to its fullest potential, your body goes through some important changes. Initials; a tattoo; writing on skin. Your soulmates' initials are engraved into the flesh of your inner wrist of your non-dominant hand. The initial engraving is painless, and some may not notice it for some while, but there are side effects, of course. Being in close proximity of your soulmate causes the engraving to sting. At first, you may just think this is a product of the engraving itself, but the longer you continue to stay in the presence of your soulmate without contact, the greater the burning increases. After that, you typically meet your soulmate, and with that comes contact. Once you come into physical contact with your soulmate, the burning ceases and the letters begin to glow an iridescent gold. The glowing doesn't cause pain, signifying the calming nature a soulmate should have on you.

The initials eventually fade, only when you tell your soulmate that you love them, and vice versa. As soon as the words are admitted by both sides, the letters melt into the flesh, never to be seen again.

There is a catch though. You didn't really think that this system is perfectly fool-proof, did you? Of course everyone has a soulmate, but your soulmate may not be mature enough to understand love as early as you. If this is the case, you don't gain your initials until they're ready. This could take days, weeks, months, and in some cases, years.

Then there are other relationships. Everyone knows about the soulmate phenomenon, but sometimes people get into relationships with someone who isn't their soulmate, thinking that they're just not ready for love yet, and they'll get their initials later. This means that those two souls are truly not ready for love yet, and won't gain their initials until they part ways to find their true soulmate. Even if someone does get stuck in this situation, there is an easy way for them to tell they're not with the right person. Meeting your true soulmate, even if you don't have your engraving yet, causes the stereotypical side effects of "love at first sight." Yes, I'm talking about the tunnel vision, the butterflies, and most importantly, the racing heart. It's just important to not confuse these symptoms with a heart attack, but that's an entirely different story.

The point is, your soulmate has an impact on your life from the very first time you meet, even if you don't notice it right away. Some have known their soulmates all their lives, but didn't know they were soulmates until much later, this is the case of Sean and Kaycee. 


Author's note: Hiiiii, I'm new at writing fanfiction, so bare with me. I promise this gets better, I already have a few chapters prewritten. 

I'm excited to see how this goes, I'm hoping you guys like the prologue, okay bye :)

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