Chapterish 21

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We all pile into the den. It's the smallest room on the first floor of the house and Travis's dad's old office. There's a dark wood desk and old leather couch. A vintage record player resting on top a stack of vinyl. I stand right by the door, eager for the best escape route. Everyone else arranges in a sort of circle and Nate throws a pack of cards on the desk.

"Hey, Emmy, shut the door." Alex nods his head at me.

I turn to close the door and almost bang my face into Brooks's chest. The bane of my existence just appeared in the doorway.

"Brooks! About time!" Nate claps him on the back.

"Hey," Brooks grins. I avoid his eyes.

"Brooks, nice of you to join us," Meg says.

"Is it?" I mumble under my breath.

"Come on. Let's all play nice," Trix sings.

"Brooks, take a seat in the circle. You guys ready?" Travis asks before placing a beer can in the center of the card ring.

Brooks moves past me and I can smell his scent rolling off his skin. I also smell the booze. He must be hammered already. Brooks leans in the windowsill behind the desk, between Nate and Meg and directly across from me.

"Let's start," Alex says, clapping his hands together.

For about five minutes it's just a group of old high school friends enjoying a friendly game of Kings. Just like flip cup. Six is for chicks –Trix, Meg, and I drink. Ace is a waterfall and thanks to Alex we all drain our skippies. Fuck Alex. This is where it turns. The beer and liquor mixture finds a happy home in us –settles in quickly and contently. The buzz is real. Stakes are high.

"I got eight," Brooks says, holding up his card. "Em, you're my date."

"No chance," I spit, eyes locked on his.

"No saying no, Emmy. That's the game!" Alex calls out.

"Oh come on, no communication required. Just drink when he drinks," Trix says.

"Just drink when I drink," Brooks repeats, raising his glass to mine. The smugness.

I don't answer. I just bring my cup up in front of me in a fake toast fashion and drink. Brooks smirks at me across the desk.

"KING!" Nate shouts. "First rule is... No first names allowed."

"You always pick that rule," Meg laughs. "My turn!"

Meg picks seven. Aim to heaven. Well, you know all the rules.

I pull a five and flip it over. "Guys."

"Drink up." Brooks cheers me again.

Fuck. I was not trying to get this drunk this fast.

"Five is for guysss," Trix says to Brooks.

"But Emmy's my date," Brooks answers. He drains his own cup.

"First name!" Travis calls out Brooks. "Drink!"

"Six!" Trix flips her card.

"I think six should be for dicks," I groan. Brooks's eyes narrow on mine.

"What happened to playing nice?" Trix asks.

"Yea right," Meg laughs. Her and Nate are making out now.

Travis pulls a two and makes Alex drink. Nate pulls another two and makes Alex drink again.

"Would you look at that, Queen of Hearts." Brooks throws down his own card.

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