Chapter Fourteen: I am too

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I got out of the vehicle being followed out by Rian. Alex and Ryleigh drove to find a parking space. I had been rather silent. I tried to walk faster then Rian to avoid his questions that I knew He was going to ask no matter what whether I was going to talk was another thing. I went to the check-in area pulling a number that was almost called immediately.

"What brings you-" A monotoned nurse says from the desk.

I tilt my head down and to the side.

"My god. Follow me," She got up from her desk and I followed her back into what imagined to be a fast track area.

I was guided to an exam bed. I climbed up on the bed as Rian followed. I handed the nurse my ID and an insurance card. I heard soft music from the nurse station which seemed to be outside the fast track area. I bopped my head up and down as the nurse then had me lay back and put a neck brace on me.

"We are going to have to send her for X-Rays make sure her neck isn't broken," The nurse looked at Rian who looked at me tapping my foot up and down doing a little dance.

"That's fine. Hey, Logan, I'm going to go and sit with Ryleigh and Alex. Do you want any of us back here? I will stay if you want one of us back here."

I shrugged my shoulders as the nurse finished some paperwork and went to get a wheelchair. Rian sighed sounding really annoyed with the fact I wasn't talking. The nurse pulled him out in the hallways and a different nurse came in to take me back to get my X-rays taken.

"That your dad?" She asked and I tried to shake my head but couldn't.

'No.' I signed as she stopped the wheelchair at the radiology doors.

"Well, he seems like I nice person. Don't ignore him, hun. He is probably just looking out for you even if you are twenty." She said and I tried to nod as she chuckled.

Everything from there seemed to move pretty quickly. They shot the X-rays didn't see anything I was going to need a few stitches and a few staples. I was wheeled back to my area in the fast track. Rian was sitting there with a really bouncy Jack.

"Jack you gotta calm down. They think she is really- Hey Lo," Rian said and cupped his hand on Jack's shoulder to stop him from bouncing.

'Hi' I waved as Jack looked at me as I moved onto the bed.

They lowered the exam bed and took out a long needle. I looked at it for a while before closing my eyes. I never had told anyone I was highly terrified of needles. It didn't make sense honestly because I wanted tattoos, and with my past but you know, it's whatever. Rian went and stood at the foot of my bed and grabbed the top of my shoe.

"You're gonna be okay Lo," He sad and drummed on the top of my foot.

Jack came and sat beside me and wrapped an arm around me. They draped this shield over the side of my head. I put my head on Jack's shoulder and they told him he had to stay there while they did the stitches and stables. I was numbed at first and it wasn't too bad but the last couple staples I felt everything and yelped in pain. I was given a note in case I had to fly or anything saying that is why I might go off. I got up as Jack was still pretty hyper. I figured he was drunk, you could practically smell the alcohol on him. I wanted to know how he got here but also didn't.

Beckett was out in the waiting area when I walked out with Rian and a bouncy Jack. He grabbed my face examining it and saw no immediate injury until he saw the top side of my head. He pulled me into his chest and leaned down to whisper into my ear saying the same meaningless words. I held onto Beckett though and felt so unworthy. Beckett didn't seem to want to let go until Jack said something along the lines of us having sex later. I flipped him off and Jack gave me a knowing smile. I walked out and climbed into the rental car Alex was still driving.

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