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My name is john hazing and this my story about plot holes like this girl would have a green long sleeve shirt on and I would blink then she would be wearing a black short sleeve shirt. Here is my story at the beginning. Me and my best friend Jake silverfish and kanon kingford used to hang out at a 2 story old house that has never been finished. There is a old legend that there was a man that wanted to come to the country and build this house and never finished he probably died. Anyways we being teenagers doing stupid teenager stuff then all of the sudden kanon fell through the secound floor and then when he hit the first floor he went through it too. jake said "jesus crist Kanon!" Then me and Jake went down to the first floor we would never forget what we saw. Kanon had been impelled by a long rebar rod sticking out of the ground."oh my god" said Jake.

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