Chapter Seven

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The bell rung several times but not even one of his family went to answer them. Maybe they did and chose to ignore it again. Who could be ringing the doorbell at this hour at night? He glances at Cole, sleeping too deep to be woken up so he gathered his courage and went to look himself.

He treads the floor silently, down the stairs and stood a meter away from the door. Lights are turned off except the kitchen so it's pretty dark inside. He was tall enough to look through the peek-hole and find out whose outside but something in him hesitates. Normal people wouldn't show up at this time at night, it's almost midnight.

Glancing at the dark corridor leading to his parents' room, he made a split-second decision and peeks through the hole. Outside, standing unbothered by the wind and the night is a blond man wearing a dark suit. Strangely, that man looks official. But what bothered him the most is a pair of glowing-like eyes flashing behind him.

He ran to his parents' room, knocking furiously. He whisper-yelled, "Dad!"

Turns out, the door wasn't locked. So he went in, fumbling with the light switch to find his parents in an awkward position. Mara took almost the whole bed while Levi, stiff as a stick, lays on the edge of the bed. Both of them are asleep.

Squeezing his hands into fists, he came over to his father's side, shaking him. "Dad! Someone's at the door."

Levi opens his eyes, red vines around his brown-colored eyes. He stares unseeingly at the ceiling that Ethan had to shake him harder.

"What? Do you what time this is?" Levi's eyes finally focused on him, they're filled with exhaustion. Ethan felt guilt creeping in him for waking up his father at times like this when he needed it.

"There's someone at the door. A man wearing a suit. And someone else, I think."

At once, Levi stood up, putting up his robe and shaking Mara gently. "Love, someone's outside."

"Hmm?" Mara yawns. "I'm tired."

"It could be them."

Mara blinks once, twice. "Get the door, Levi."

Ethan watched his parents, tripping over each other, fumbling with their robes. Mara fixes her hair, splashes water on her face and the remaining drops onto Levi's face.

"Did you see anything else?" Levi walks fast towards the door, Ethan not at all struggling to follow.

"No. There were only those two. But I could be wrong, I saw them from the... you know." Ethan gestures to the door.

Levi nods. Mara held something in her hand and was surprised to see her holding a baseball bat. Since when do they have a basketball bat?

Levi peeks through the hole and sent a warning look to Mara. Unconsciously, they step back as Levi opens the door.

"Good night, Mr. Addams." The man in the blue suit spoke before any of them could even blink. "We're sorry we had to disturb you tonight but we've received some news. May we come in?"

When the man says 'we', he meant him and the man behind him, big with muscles but surprisingly tall. The dark-haired man wore black overalls that fitted on his body, exposing his muscles in its pure form. Ethan notices a knife hidden somewhere in his ankle.

"What do you want?" Levi grits out, taking the bat from Mara and holding it in front of him, position ready to strike.

The blond man raises both hands. "Please, put it down. I'm not going to hurt you and neither will he."

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