Rhea Ripley - Brutally Honest

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It was time for Y/N to take Dakota's offer to see her over in Orlando, so the young man took everything he had left with himself and got into his car on a Tuesday morning. Y/N was fortunate enough to be able to buy one of his favorite classics in the automobile industry.

 Y/N was fortunate enough to be able to buy one of his favorite classics in the automobile industry

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He bought a Toyota Supra, used of course. Since it was the older model, it definitly had a lot of customizing options, but his stayed the way he purchased it. And with that, Y/N checked out of the hotel and went to his car, putting his luggage in and getting the car on the road. He knew this was gonna take a while, but it was also gonna be worth it. And with one last step to put one of his favorite records by his favorite bands to have some entertainment on the road, the trip can start. Fortunately the weather was well in the early morning, that's one thing to be happy about. Y/N smiled very widely because he looked forward to meeting with Dakota again. It has been about three days since they saw each, but he texted her that he would be there to see her live and she replied by saying she'd be expecting him. Of course there was still the timing issue since traffic could get worse very quickly, that's why Y/N decided to get up this early. It would disappoint the young woman when he was either late or not there at all and he couldn't risk that at all. The Supra was still fast enough though and with a big part of highway ahead, there was no stopping him. He could use the remaining time to actually find somewhere to settle in for the rest of the week.

After eighty percent of the way, it was time to get something to eat, so Y/N pulled up to a truck stop. He was just slightly tired and had to get some gasoline for the car, but the rest of the way was still gonna be a lot of fun. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and pinched himself before parking the car and getting his wallet and then he went towards the diner after locking his car. A wave of different smells hit him right when he opened the door: grease, beer, cigarettes and a tingle of deodorant. The customers and employees couldn't be more different from each other. Truckers and normal country folk matched against young guns who ran about everything. From a coffee stand, a kitchen and souvenirs up to a small stand with books. Whatever was going on here, the flood of visitors probably brought in a nice load of cash every day. Especially in the summer during vacations. Y/N shook his head and went over to the counter to look at the menu and he easily saw it wasn't the healthiest selection. But he pulled himself together, ordering an omelette with cheese, chicken and chili flakes along with a cup of coffee. Now was that an affordable meal? Not really, the whole thing cost about eight dollars. In other diners, people could get it for five, but it's late and the ride was exhausting, so Y/N paid and sat down at a free table all to himself.

Y/N:" It's for a good cause, Y/N. Don't forget that."

Yes, he talked to himself to keep himself awake. Driving at night can get dangerous, so this was the only way until the food was ready. Dakota had also texted him again to see how he was and how long it would still take him to get to the arena. All of it was gonna pay off one way or another for Y/N. He could only smile weakly as his foid was served and when the waiter left, he dug right in. He was hungry, longing for any food and now that he had it, it immediatly found its way into his stomach.

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