Plans already

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(Two days later)

"Ok, so we need to start planning the wedding!!!" Maddie and Blu say coming to me with a bunch of magazines and wedding books.
"Guys, we just got engaged two days ago, do y'all have to start now?" Hoseok asked from his desk in our room.
"Of course, planning will take a long time, plus if something goes wrong with planning we need to have back up plans." Blu said sorting out all the magazines and books.
"Wow...ok," he said looking jungshook.
"Guys it's been 4 hours, can we plan some more later?" I said looking at the time on my phone.
"Ugh, then we will be behind schedule, y'all still need to plan a date, you still need to go look for your dress!" Maddie said listing off the shit we still need to do.
"Omg.....GUYS! If we don't have a date yet then I'll wait to go pick out a dress!"
"You need to go plan a date with Hoseok right now!" Blu said pushing me off the bed and out the door of MY room.
"Don't come back until y'all have decided on a date!" Then she closed the door in my face.
Dis bitch....
I slowly walked downstairs to see Hoseok sitting on the couch ion his phone. I really didn't want to disturb him with this stuff THIS early into our engagement.
"H-hey Hobi...?"
I asked a little shyly.
"Yes kitten?" He smiled at me while putting down his phone to give all his attention to me.
"I need to ask you something...."
I was still about 5 feet apart from him.
He smiled at my nerves and put out his hand so he could grab me and put me on his lap.
I giggled at the sudden motion.
"What do you want to ask?" He said while holding me in his lap.
"Well, we kinda...need to pick out a wedding date.....sorry." I said in a small voice.
"Why are you sorry?" He asked with a confused face.
"I just didn't want to bother you with this stuff THIS early into our engagement. But, we kinda have to pick out a date." I said to him.
He just giggled, "this isn't a bother at all, I'm happy to get to plan my future with you" he smiled and then kissed me.
Aww how did I get such a sweet fiancé?
"Hmm, what about the same day we got engaged, next December?" He asked looking at me for approval.
"I love that idea." A smile appeared on both of our faces and I couldn't help but kiss him again.
"Let me go tell the girls" I said getting off his lap and heading upstairs.

I got to the door and froze off the lock.
"Ok I got the date!" I said to the girls who looked at each other with a 'we're stupid' look.
"I forgot you could do that....I wouldn't have locked the door if I had remembered about that" Maddie said looking disappointed in herself.
"You're stupid" I laughed.
"Yeah yeah, whatever, what date did y'all decide?" Maddie asked.
"Same date we got engaged, of next year, so, December 10th." I said.
They both looked at each other and then back at me, " Aww!!! That's so freaking cute!!" Blu said.
"Who's came up with that idea?" She asked.
"Hoseok did" I said back.
"Awwww that's even cuter!!!" She said fan girling.
"Why?" I asked weirdly.
"Because, if it was a girl then it would be normal, because girls just have natural sentiment. But guys don't, so when a guy does something like that to make a wedding or some shit special, is the cutest thing in the world!!"
I looked at Maddie for clarification and she nodded.
Wow, I guess there right, Hoseok must have natural sentiment, probably more then me.
"Ok, so now we have to find a dress," Blu said grabbing dress magazines.
"Wait why do we have to do this so early?"
I asked.
"Because, the dress is something that every bride struggles with, if you don't do it early you will have the hardest time finding one and you will freak out." Blu said.
She's probably right.
"Oh wow, ok. Then shouldn't we go find a dress at a store?" I asked pointing to the magazine in a questionable manner.
"Well, the magazines are to give you an idea of what you want first, and before you even ask, yes your dress has to be white! No fucking, black Or green, don't start with that shit.!"
How did she know I was gonna ask?
"It has to be white because y'all are getting married through a church too, so it has to be white." She said.
"Ohhh, ok" I nodded.
She grabbed some magazines and put them in my hand.
"Go through these and see which styles you like the best. Then show me and Maddie and we'll look at them too."
I nodded as I took the books and went down stairs to sit with Hoseok on the couch and go through the magazines.
"So y'all are already on dresses huh?" He asked laughing a bit.
"Apparently! They said all these reasons why we should already be looking for one and other confusing stuffs. Aish, I haven't even gone through one magazine and I'm already tired." I start to complain as I put my head on his shoulder.
Hoseok chuckles a bit and put his arm around me.
"Aish, don't be lazy now, I'll go through the magazines with you and help!"
I just giggled at him and patted his head.
"Thank you hobi"
"No problem kitten" he smiles and then kissed my head.

It had been 3 fucking hours!! Me and Hoseok have gone through all Of the magazines to see the dresses I would like.
"So, our of 230 dresses you found.......4 that you like the style of." He said looking exhausted. Like we did all that just so I could fine 4 fucking dresses.
"I'm sorry you had to deal with this..." I sighed looking at him apologizing.
"It's ok kitten, it was a good way to help plan the wedding, also, I was able to spend time with you!" He says smiling and kissed my cheek.
"Thank you hobi, I love you so much" I said back to him.

"Did y'all pick out some dresses yet?" I hear Blu say coming down the stairs.
"Yup, here" I said handing her the pages of the 4 dresses I ripped out.
"YAYA, ok, now Hoseok come with me, I need you to pick out something but Alina, you can't see. It's for yalls honeymoon!"
Hoseok didn't even ask questions, he just got up and went with her.
I mean, it doesn't bother me, but wow, what was it so important that I couldn't see it?
Hoseok pov

"Ok here" Blu said handing me lingerie magazine.
"Pick out some for two weeks worth, y'all me honeymoon is about two weeks anyway." Then she game me a pervertive smirk and pushed me into a bathroom.
What the hell?
"I'm finished." I say walking out of the bathroom to Blu and maddie laying on mine and Alina's bed.
"Ok, hand me what you want and then I will go pick them up" Maddie said holding out her hand.
"Okie dokie!!" I smiled.

Hope y'all have enjoyed this chapter, I know it took a bit to write. Until next time ARMYS. I💜y'all.

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