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"You did what!?" Jimin shout, slamming his scalding cup of hot coffee down against the dinning room table, taking a seat in front of Taehyung. 

With droopy eyes, Taehyung dropped his spoon, "I got drugged okay!?" he shout in anger, slamming his head into the palm of his hand before tugging at the roots of his hair, "Why is everyone acting like I was gonna die? I knew what I was doing... so just drop it!" he exclaimed, snatching his spoon back into his hand as he dug it into the bowl of colourful cereal, shoving a mouthful past his lips. 

"So you knew you were being drugged!?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Look," he spoke, jabbing his spoon at Jimin, "it was either going to be me getting questioned further and potentially having Bangtan's cover blown, or me acting clueless and getting drugged... but still keeping us secure."

Relaxing back into his chair, Jimin took his mug into his hand, "Still risky though." he muttered under his breath, taking a sip of his coffee. 

The metallic clatter of pots and pans sounded from the kitchen, the splutter of water from the bathroom faucet, and the aroma of pancakes wafting through the house. It all reassured Taehyung that morning had arrived in the Bangtan mansion, and for now, their cover was still secure. 

Joining the pair at the table, Jungkook was next to enter the dinning room. Even clothed in a large hoodie, Jungkook still shivered in the winter morning chill. He clasped his mug between his hands even though the warmth from the tea had long since leached into the frozen air. His muscles tensed in the cold as he slipped into the seat beside Jimin, greeting Taehyung with a small smile from across the table. 

Jimin turned to the brunette, "You stayed last night?"

"I did." Jungkook replied, taking a sip from his tea before placing it back down against the table, "We got back quite late and Hoseok was a bit worried about the risk of me being tailed on the way home." he took another sip of his tea, this time a longer one before he took it away from his lips, "You do realise that now that I'm hanging around you guys, my security is your security."

Jimin clicked his tongue against the inside of his cheek in distaste, "Unfortunately." he rested his hands behind his head as he let out a tired sigh, "The moment the Jeons find out we're hiding you... its game over for us."

From across the table, Taehyung dropped his spoon into his empty bowl of cereal, the metal sinking into the leftover milk, "Who's to say they aren't already onto you?" Taehyung spoke up, locking eyes with Jungkook. 

Jungkook rose a brow, "How do you mean?"

"Last night, people associated with The Jeon Crime Syndicate were attending the event. Exchanging information and trying to keep me away." Taehyung explained. 

Despite Taehyung's expression of concern, Jungkook simply shook his head, "I know my father, and he isn't the kind of guy to drag something out." he let out a sigh, casting his eyes to the ceiling in thought, "The moment my father finds out who I'm staying with, he will tear you guys apart and take me back without delay."

Jimin rested his head against the palm of his hand, "So you're saying the Jeons weren't already onto us last night? That it's something more then you?"

"Yep." Jungkook replied, "I'll know when they've found me... trust me... I'll know."

Taehyung frowned, "Then why the hell are people trying to mess with us?"

Jimin gave a knowing smirk, taking his coffee mug into his hands once again, "That's something Yoongi's trying to find out."


The plume of Yoongi's breath billowed out into the cold, quickly dissipating into the morning air. Soon enough, once the morning fully settled in there would be colour and traffic noises, the smell of residents making coffee and toast, and people marching through the streets to their meaningless jobs that keep them fed and sheltered in this shit-hole of a city. 

Standing on top of one of the many tall concrete buildings, Yoongi placed his feet close to the edge, slightly peering over at the cars traveling below him. The wind entangled itself through his almost white hair until he slapped his black cap on, shadowing his appearance entirely. 

Drawing in a cool breath of air, Yoongi began to stretch his arms, rolling his shoulders back as he jogged on the spot. He quickly warmed himself up before spinning on his feet to face the roof of the building next to him. The buildings were about the same height, but the gap in between them was probably a few metres. None the less, Yoongi didn't hesitate to lock his gaze onto the next roof top, sharp feline eyes narrowing in determination. 

And then he took off. 

Sucking in a sharp breath, Yoongi kept his composure as he leapt from one rooftop to the other, legs outstretched in mid air. As if it were happening in slow motion, the cars buzzed past below him, birds even flying lower then his jumping height. 

Letting out a grunt, he landed one foot against the other building, then the other. But he didn't stop there... no.... he gained momentum. 

Briefly eyeing the next rooftop, he ran across the cement, picking up speed as he took another leap of faith across to the next building. The wind was cold against his face, pulling at his loose clothing as he continued to park-core his way across the city.  

Finally reaching the fifth rooftop, Yoongi skid to a stop, letting out the breath he had been holding for far too long. It was a lower rooftop, he had gradually made his way down the heights of the buildings landing on a lower one instead. This one was familiar, the glow of the neon sign he stood above casting a range of purple and red hues against his pale skin as he removed the hat shadowing his face.

Swiftly and almost effortlessly, Yoongi took a hold of the 'B' of the B-ink tattoo parlour sign, using it as a ladder as he climbed his way down. Wrapping his hands around the bottom of the letter, he let his body fall, hanging his feet over the ground below before letting go, dropping to the concrete as his shoes slapped against the pavement.

As Yoongi brushed himself off, Jimin watched from inside the store, raising a brow in curiosity as he eyed the sniper outside. Placing down his pen, Jimin took himself away from the front desk, making his way over to the front as he pushed open the glass door, "I never expected someone to fall out of the sky today." Jimin spoke flatly. 

With a bored expression, Yoongi shook his wind-tousled hair, "I didn't expect to make my way over here either, but I've got no mission today."

Jimin rose his brows in surprise, "Seriously!?" he exclaimed, moving aside as he ushered Yoongi into the store. "I would've thought you'd be doing some spying for Hoseok..." Jimin closed the door behind Yoongi, "After all, we're in a bit of trouble right now, we don't know who's onto us."

Letting out a sigh, Yoongi made his way over to the front counter, placing his black cap against the marble, "As long as it's not the Jeons, we'll be fine."

Jimin wore a troublesome expression, making his way to Yoongi's side as he leant against the countertop, "And what if it is?" he spoke sternly, crossing his arms over his chest, "What if it really is the Jeons?"

Yoongi looked Jimin dead in the eyes, and easily so. They were both the same height, and both of them used their powerful expressions to make up for their shorter statures. 

Yoongi ran a hand through his hair, expression falling into something dark, 

"Then we're in for something dangerous." 


{Author Note}

I'm back y'all! Quick Australia update... basically no more fires!!! 

But now everything is flooding. 

...I guess Australia really decided to go crazy on us this year. 

Anyways, don't forget to vote! I'm going to get back into frequent updates, and trust me, this book is gonna get gooooooood ;)

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