chapter 47

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Hey guys! Hope you liked last chapter. Now, I'm getting into 3 week time skip, and the arc is almost to a close. A chapter or two left!

Ochaco sat in her room thinking. This wasn't the first time she ever had to think about one thing: deku cheating on her. It was something that she brushed off as bad thoughts, and kind of laughed at their stupidity.

But now, it was different. Deku got more and more distant, and he left around 8 P.M all the time. He never told her, and this got her worried, and sort of jealous. He was spending more time on something, or someone, that wasn't her.

But she knew the thought was selfish, and gave him his time.

Though, the thoughts got control over her, and she decided to visit her friends, the girls of class 1-A.

"Oh hey ochaco! Fancy of you to join us, late, in our daily meeting. What's up?"

" Somethings up with deku, and i don't know what" she sighed.

" Wow. What is it? Midoriya doesent seem like the kind of guy who would do something bad." Hagakuru mentioned.

" Yeah, but still, I'm scared he might be cheating on me." Ochaco said, worry in her voice.

" Woah there girl, take a step back. You cant just jump to conclusions all of a sudden." Mina explained.

" Yeah. What did he do?" Jiro asked, twirling her headphone jack with her finger.

"Well, since the last three weeks, he has been distant. All the time, he says he's going to sleep, but in turn he's not there when I go and check on his dorm.He's been having alot of calls lately from the same number too, and that is why I came to this conclusion." Uraraka sighed, as the girls just kept silent, staring at the floor or at the room, thinking.

" That's tough. Kero." Tsu comments, and everyone agrees.

" Well, do you know the number?" Jiro asked, and ochaco shook her head 'no'

" Well then that won't work." She huffed.

" How about you ask midoriya about it? Kero." Tsu suggests, but it was shot down again by uravity.

" Tried. Failed." She just states.

"Do you know where the calls are from?" Momo asked, and uraraka responded with, ya guessed it,

" No."

"Then why don't we just follow Midori!" Mina exclaims! And the girls, fot once, give her suggestions a thought.

"Hm, might work. Kero."

"Don't want to, but our best option."

" Don't care."

" Alright!"

Ochaco just looked on, and gave a unsure smile.

" Alright! It's decided. But, were going to need disguised first." Mina says, as she throws something out of her pocket, and pink, sparkly mist appears.

"*Cough* *cough* Mina! Put that away!" Yaoyorozu swatted her hand infront of her mouth, the toxic sparkles clamming into her lungs.


"Ah, yes, midoriya! Your back." The receptionist exclaimed, as he just smiled.

"Yeah. Just wanted to check on her. Again. Lanna, Do you know how she's doing?" Izuku asked.

The receptionist, now known as Lanna, just smiled wider till it reached ear to ear.

"She's made a full recovery. And I'm happy to say, she is being brought into U.A's care!" Lanna exclaimed again, and a whole teeth showing smile grew on midoriya's face.

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