Chapter Nineteen

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You can be tipsy but you can never forget your parents or their cars.

I opened my eyes and saw darkness gloomed into my eyes. I tried to think how I got there. But nothing came into my mind.

Light slowly came through as I was trying to figure where I was. A nurse approached me.

"Thank god you are awake. I am Sister Martha. I've been your caregiver for the past two months."

"Two months!" I yelled confused.

"Ms Whitney. Your father dropped you here two months ago. You were hit by a car and drugged. The drug was meant to kill you but you are very.." I heard baby cries as she was about to continue.

I gently rubbed my stomach but it was flat.

She held my hand and explain everything.

~I had been in the Orphanage for two months. My dad dropped me off. Was it because of the bad news I had rendered to him? My life was torn apart. I was homeless. I didn't believe that this day might come. I gave birth to a premature child who has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. His muscles were weak to form a complete face. His hands were abnormal. He was deaf. He couldn't walk. My life had turned into something tormenting. Tears weren't enough for the pain I felt. It was my life I had to accept~

I was introduced to my son and he looked abnormal. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Pain was all I could feel.

I named him Gift. He was a gift from heaven. His condition didn't deprive him love. He deserved love.

I was discharged from the emergency room.
I met many other teenagers who had children and their parents had abounded them.

We were in Angola. A country in Africa.
Black girls were packed in the sanctuary.

As time went. I got comfortable. It was nice at the shelter because no one was better that the other. We all shared similar aspects.

Gift grew stronger and happier. Children from the shelter were friendly to him.

At the age of two, he had to use a wheelchair because he was unable to walk.

One day as everyone was asleep. I heard voices from outside. I woke up and creeped through the window and saw people in masks.

I woke Gift up and we went to hide in the bathroom.

The next thing, I saw smoke and heard screams.
Gift and I jumped out of the window and saw the building on fire.

We were in a deserted area. There were no neighbors.

I had no phone.

We slept outside and people who had cameras with woke us up. They asked me questions about the orphanage and I gave them information I knew.

Our orphanage was illegal and that was the reason why it was burnt down.
They left after taking pictures.

I was shedding tears. Gift didn't have medication with.

I carried him on my back and we walked a long distance till we saw?...

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