Chapter 29

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I know it's been awhile. So sorry. Hope you like it.



I couldn't think. I sat on the green vinyl couch in the family waiting room, surrounded by the people who loved Emily most, but I was in my own world. I could do nothing but pray over and over again that Emily would make it out of this with as little damage as possible. I loved her more than I ever thought possible. What I wouldn't give to see her safe and sound. My eyes were fixed on the dark brown paisley patterned wallpaper with the tan background that covered the waiting room walls. I already hated paisley. Now, I would hardly be able to stand it.

"Drew!" I heard my mom say.

"Huh?" I asked, forcing myself to pay attention.

"Why don't we go home, and they can call us with an update?" she asked, putting her hand on my shoulder.

Was she crazy? I wouldn't leave this place for all the money in the world. My Emily needed me, and I was going to be here when she woke up.

I shrugged her hand off. "No way! I'm staying here until she wakes up," I said, bitterness in my voice.

She clicked her tongue, and tried again. "I just think maybe we could come back in the morning," she suggested.

"No!" I snapped. "I'm going to be here when she opens her eyes. You can go home. I'll be fine."

I ignored the look she shared with my dad. It was the one that asked, "What if she never wakes up?" I wasn't even recognizing that as a possibility. She would wake up, and she would remember being in love with me. If she didn't, my life would be ruined. I couldn't go back to life without her. I was in love with her.

"Okay. Have it your way, but I'm staying right here with you," she said, sitting down on the opposite end of the sofa. I heard my dad sigh loudly. They had just returned from a month long trip, and now they were stuck in a hospital.

No sooner had I convinced my mom that I had no intention of going anywhere when Mrs. Martin came storming into the waiting room, heading right toward me. Her blonde shoulder length hair was wild looking, and her face was contorted in anger. Her blue eyes seemed to pierce through my soul. I'd never seen her look so angry.

"Drew Rangle! How dare you!" she screamed.

I just looked at her, unable to form any sensible response to her outburst.

My mom stood up, as if ready to throw herself in between the 2 of us.

"You get my precious Ellie pregnant, then you fall in love with Emily?" she screamed.

"No, it's not like that. I'm not...." I began.

"Don't you lie to me! I know Ellie's pregnant!" she said so loudly, her nostrils flared.

"Listen here," my mom said, looking like she might strangle Mrs. Martin, "if my son says he's not the father of Ellie's baby, then he's not the father of Ellie's baby. Maybe you should teach your daughter how to keep her legs together!"

Whoa. I'd never heard my mom go crazy on someone like that.

"How dare you!" Mrs. Martin screamed.

"How dare you!" my mom screamed back.

Mr. Martin and my dad both came over to their wives.

"Ladies, we're in a hospital. I'm sure this can easily be explained. Just let my son speak," my dad said, interrupting the spat the women were having.

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