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Yukio's POV

I engulfed him in a hug. I knew something was wrong, but it was obvious he didn't want to talk about it. As long as he can promise, that's enough for now. "I love you, Rin." Tears were steadily falling from my eyes at this point, and I could barely speak. I care for him so much, but he may never understand that. It hurts.

He grips my shirt tighter. "I love you too, Yukio."

We sat there for about half an hour before finally breaking apart.

"So, what's our excuse?" Rin suddenly spoke, jolting me back into reality.

I ask, "For what?"

"Being late, obviously. I mean, you may not even need one since you're a teacher, but I need one."

Oh yeah! I completely forgot about school! "I guess we can just say we're sick or something." I can hardly think right now. All of that crying has me all groggy.

"Okay, but then why would we be going back in the middle of the day?" He paused, a mischievous grin covering his face. "Or do you just want to stay home for the rest of the day?"

I don't even have to think of an answer. I know it's against the rules, but I couldn't possibly teach like this. "I guess it's fine to break the rules once in a while." I smile back at him.

His small smile turns into a toothy grin and he quickly gets up and heads upstairs.

"Where are you going?" I call after him.

"I want to show you something cool! Come and get dressed!"

Hey guys, I know this chapter is a LOT shorter than normal. I just want to try to get something out there sooner rather than later. However, if you prefer to wait a while and have a longer chapter in comparison to waiting shorter periods of time but having less to read, let me know in the comments. Please have a wonderful day!

Blue Exorcist AU | If Rin Had Depression (BEING REWRITTEN ON AO3)Where stories live. Discover now