Chapter 16: Max

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"So Max, lets see. Says here your last remission check up was 4 months ago. Your not due for another 2 months."

"It's nothing, really. She's just being dramatic." He mumbled, fidgeting with the exam table paper.

"Well in your case, I hope your right. But that doesn't mean we can't be sure. Now you said you'v-.. your mother said you showed some signs of recurring symptoms, can you list some for me? Anything that concerns you?" He questioned.

Max sighed, rolling his neck. "Yeah. Uh..migraines. Bad migraines..and muscle cramps. Been having to sit out in P.E. so I'm not too sore for football."

"Any vision disturbances, lack of coordination, seizures?"

"Yeah. Sometimes."

"To which ones?"

.."All of them."

"You've been having seizures?" He looked up from the computer hanging off the wall. Max hesitated.

"Last night. It was only like a minute or something. I was fine. Just..worked myself too hard at practice or something."

Dr. Marzio stared, not at all seeming convinced but nodded anyway.

"Well, were gonna do some diagnostic tests, get you checked out, make sure everything's okay. You can get dressed, ill be back for your physical in just a bit."

Max nodded, trying to shove down his anger. He honestly didn't understand what he did to be dealt this shit. He picked at the paper gown.

"Also, Max. There's a few people who wanted to drop by, is that alright?" He looked over pointedly. Max stared for a second before catching on and grinning wide.

"Hell yeah."

He checked the time on his phone real quick before clicking it off. It was only 9:45 now, he had plenty of time to hang out. The door opened later to reveal some doctors and nurses who practically made his childhood. The last to enter was Patricia Galard who was the Ped nurse that took care of him for the years he was there as a child.

He hugged some of the women, shaking hands with the men. They noted how strong he was and how far he'd come. It was a great visit. Patricia was the only one who stayed after, talking closely with him and his mother. The two women ended up in tears and Max was trying to distract himself from doing the same.

Max was diagnosed with a malignant parasagittal meningioma when he was 11. Pretty basic stuff really, he had a tumor in his head. They could cut it out or they could do chemo, both sucked and neither guaranteed it wouldn't come back or even how fast.

Max's parents both opted to take the somewhat safer route, shrinking the tumor with chemo to try and lesson the damage to his brain.

That was years ago. Max had a life now, finally. Close friends, people he couldn't imagine his life without, a sport that made him happy.

What would happen if he got sick again, if his cancer was back? He would lose everything he had worked so fucking hard for. He always imagined that happening after coming out but now it might just happen either way.

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