Chapter 14 - Rhodes and Home

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As Dutch led you back down the corridor, from the bathroom. The noises from the saloon slowly grew louder. You stiffened, and began to slow down.

Dutch stopped, and turned you towards him. His hand gently touched your face.

"You trust me, don't you?" he asked.

You nodded, "but Dutch is one, they are many," you mumbled.

Dutch smiled, "Don't you worry about that," he smirked, as he carried on guiding you along the corridor towards the saloon.

At the end of the corridor, Dutch opened the door which lead to the saloon. As you walked through the door, you felt his arm wrap around you just that little bit tighter. As before there was a cacophony of voices. Instead of stopping at the bar, like last time, Dutch carried on walking to one of the side booths where Josiah was already seated.

Dutch guided you to the seat, and slid in after you.

"See," he whispered, his arm still wrapped around your waist, "if anyone wants to get to you, they have to go through me."

Josiah waved his hand, towards the bar, and a short while later, a waitress brought over three plates of food.

As soon as the plate was placed in front of you, you sniffed at the steak, which was on the plate.

You picked it up with your hands, and started tearing chunks out of it with your teeth.

Josiah frowned, "I don't suppose she's ever heard of a knife and fork?" he asked, looking at Dutch.

Dutch chuckled, "I doubt it, she is a native after all. I love her innocence!"

Josiah smirked, "when she tears a steak apart with her teeth, she looks anything but innocent."

You looked up from your plate across the table at Josiah.

"Josiah not eat?" you asked.

Josiah picked up his knife and fork, "Yes Nizhoni, but with these."

You shrugged, and carried on using your hands and teeth.

Josiah chuckled, "Where did you find her, Dutch?"

Dutch smiled, and stroked your cheek, "in the mountains, when we ran from Blackwater. Well Bill found her, tried to kill her!"

Josiah rolled his eyes, "figures for Bill."

You finished the steak, and wiped your mouth with your arm. You leant into Dutch.

"Nizhoni tired," you mumbled.

Dutch stroked your hair, "we'll head back soon."

You closed your eyes, and started to doze.

Josiah glanced at you, then looked at Dutch, "so what exactly happened to her," he whispered.

Dutch glanced at you, dosing, unaware of the discussion he was having with Josiah.

"She was taken by the soldiers, with her sisters. She escaped, but the soldiers went back to her village, and killed five of the young men in retaliation, so her tribe marked her as an outcast. Branded her," he hissed.

Josiah shook his head, "is it any wonder they refer to them as savages!"

Dutch narrowed his eyes, "that's not a description we use, Josiah. Its only used by ignorant people, who've never got to know them. Nizhoni is as far removed from a savage, as you could get. She saved John's life ya know!"

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