The Battle To End This.

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Zane's POV

 What am I supposed to do? There is a new boss? What if we don't make it?! I just need to breathe. We will be safe! We are Ninja! Who am I kidding! This is tougher then Garmadon! Everything is falling apart. If this doesn't work out then things might fall apart even more. What if we can't do this? We might not save Ninjago. I can't do this! What if I lose Cole? I WON'T LOSE HIM!!! WHAT AM I SAYING???!!! Calm down Zane. You'll be fine! Cole will be fine! Everyone will be fine! We can defeat the Oni! "Guys! We need to get to Ninjago! Something is going on!" Nya screamed out. I went into panic mode! What do I do! "Get us over there with the bounty!" I yelled over to Nya. Cole, Jay, Kai, and I work on locating. Lloyd had just woken up and gotten dressed when he saw us. "What happened here?" He asked. "No time to explain! Help us!" I say, as the anxiety creeps up on me. Crap! Why now? "I-I'll be back!" I say, running to the bathroom. I start to feel the tears fall down my cheek. What to do? What to do? I know! My mask! I put on my half destroyed mask. "What a waste!" I say to myself.

 Cole came to the door. "Hey babe! We're here! Wanna come?" He says. "I'll keep watch." I said to him from the other side of the door. "Okay! Be safe!" He left with the others and I came out of the bathroom. "You okay?" Wu said. "Y-yeah!" I say. I walked out and shut the door, "Didn't want too leave you behind..." "You had an anxiety attack, didn't you?" Wu said, concerned for my mental/physical health. "Yeah... I'm sorry that this keeps happening.. I don't think I'm fit to be a ninja if I can't even help my team.. I'll fix everything and return it.. I... I need to find myself.. I'm sorry Sensei.." I said, packing my things and handing in my GI and leaving a note. I know that my friends and Husband need me, but I'm useless. I ripped up the paper, told Wu not to tell anyone I left, and walked out. I know this sounds stupid, and you might think I'm selfish, but this feels right. Hate me all you want. I walked to Chen's Noodle Shop and walked in. "Hello Zane. ZANE?! You should be fighting! Why are you here?" Skylor says.

 I just looked at the ground and said, "I quit being a ninja. I'm just a useless nindroid. I'd be better in a dump then in Ninjago. I don't belong here, I'm just something that was used to make evil. but... I... ended up being the good one with powers. Chen should have kept me. Cole doesn't deserve me! I just get in his way. I get in everyone's way! If I go missing leave it at that. I don't deserve a statue so put it up if you want. If I don't come back, don't worry. Forget about me. Please.. I'm not meant here." I said, and with that left. I disappeared. It was at least 3 years. No one knew who the ice ninja was anymore. They were looking for replacements. Cole was crying. I thought now's the time to get in line. I was up next. "Next!" Kai called. I walked up, knowing they all forgot I said, "Hi." "Name please." Kai said. "Zane Julien." I responded. He ignored the name and said, "Power?" "Ice." I responded. "Why do you think you would be best at being a ninja?" Kai looked at me. "Well, in history there are 6 ninja's. The Ice Ninja, The Fire Ninja, The Earth Ninja, The Lightning Ninja, The Water Ninja, and The Green Ninja. They protect Ninjago. You guys are those ninja's. You lost a ninja. That ninja was me. I know it sounds stupid and false, but I can prove it." I said taking off my hood. "Hello..." I said. "ZANE?!" They cried. "Y-Yeah..." I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "I'm Sorry... My Fellow... Friends. Its my fault I left.. I was scared... I'm really sorry." I teared up more. "Don't be sorry! You have nothing to be sorry for. Ok?" Cole smiled, holding me close. He cried a bit and wouldn't let go. "Hi Cole." I smiled softly, tears streaming down my face. I rubbed Cole's back and didn't let go. That's how my day went.

~Rachel Lycan signing off~

~Hey so ummmm. Heh. Long time no see! Covid has been rough. Thought I'd stop by and give you a chapter! I hope you all are staying safe during Covid! I hope you enjoy the chapter and if you have any suggestions for another chapter, let me know! Enjoy!~

Word Count: 820

I'm... Sorry... My... Fellow... Friends (A Ninjago story)Where stories live. Discover now