A good morning

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Jisoo PoV

I walked into the kitchen seeing my mum making coffee early in the morning looking very tired

I haven't told her anyone about Irene or Jennie. To be honest I haven't told her anything besides football and other clubs so I should probably let her know what happened to me in the span of a few months.

I poured myself a bowl of cereal next to her and just brought the subject up

"Irene and I are talking again"

She put the jug of coffee down. She went still

"Hello? Did you hear what I said"

"Irene..." she stared at her cup

"Yeah she's doing well"

"I miss her so much Jisoo you don't understand" she had tears streaming down her face

"Mum are you crying?" this was the first time I've ever seen her cry

"It feels like I've lost my other daughter for so many years. I haven't said her name in so long Jisoo" she hugged me

"Woah mum what's wrong?"
She was being a bit over the top. I know they were very close but she was getting really emotional

"Jisoo your father stopped me from talking to her. He took her away from me no matter how much I tried to see her she was so far away. One day when you have a child you would understand; you're connected to someone you made, you give life to another human being. I saw her grow and learn. I remember her first time standing, walking and talking. The first word she said was 'mama' and I remember crying whilst holding her hands. I remember everything and not being able to see my daughter breaks me. I feel responsible for being forced a stranger to her. She must feel disappointed in me just to have me leave one day and not tell her everything"

I rubbed her back trying to calm her down. I never thought my mum would tell me how much she missed my sister and how this really made a bad effect on how she felt. She always was a calm and smiley person but this was the first time I've ever seen her cry

"Irene misses you"


"Of course she does. She's your daughter"

"Does she hate me?"

"Not at all. She knows Mr Bae stopped all connections from us seeing her" I pulled away from the hug "clean yourself up mum you have work today!" I joked
Just like that she had a smile on her face again

"I love you Jisoo"
She walked to the bathroom

"Love you too mum"


As my mum came out of the bathroom looking fresh she asked
"So how's school?"

"All is good. Lisa has a girlfriend"

"She what?! Since when?!"

"A few days ago"

"And you two never told me!"

"Well it's her girlfriend" I shrugged my shoulders

"What's her name?"

"Roseanne Park. Jennifer Kim's manager"

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