Chapter 1

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Mona sat by the Deepsea Metro's entrance and observed the Inkopolis Square residents. She saw them waiting to order Crusty Sean's famous fast food. She saw them staring through the window of the Off the Hook Studio, hoping to be noticed. She saw them chatting and laughing, fresh off a Turf War win. She even saw one bargaining with Murch. Just another normal day.

And a normal day meant harassment for her.

The thought had barely crossed her mind before a roudy gang of Inkling boys caught her eye. They were walking toward her, laughing and smirking to themselves.

"Well if it isn't Queen Colorless!" Inkling One, or Bigfin, leered.

"Hello, my peasants," Mona whipped back without missing a beat.

It was funny to watch them look at each other, confusion in their eyes, until their tiny brains finally made the connection.

"That wasn't funny, Ghost Girl..." Inkling Two, Ligo, glowered. Then, his face lit up as he thought of a wicked idea. He whispered to Inkling Three, Cranch, the tallest of the trio, and both of their dumb grins grew wider.

Without warning, Cranch's hand shot out and swiped Mona's Patched Hat right off her head. She quickly shoved her Pullover Coat's hood over her head.

"What's the matter, shortie? Afraid to be seen without your precious hat?" Ligo taunted.

"Give it back!" Mona yelled, reaching and jumping for her hat, held out of her reach by Cranch. Bigfin stuck his foot out right when she was about to make another leap, and she tripped and fell on the ground. The trio laughed and leered.

"What's going on here?"

The calm voice made all four teens to turn their heads toward the speaker: a young Octoling male with strikingly yellow eyes.

"Listen, stranger." Bigfin reacted first. "You have two options. You can stay and back me up, or you can be on your way."

"I can spare a moment," the Octoling said. Mona felt a strong sense of dread, before the Octoling spoke again.

"Why would you ever need three guys just to bully one 'shortie'? That's lame!"

Bigfin, Ligo, and Cranch's heads turned simultaneously toward the boy.

"That's not one of the choices we gave you, sonny."

"I make my own choices, and I make my own decisions."

"You better make the choice to run while you can, or you're in for a bruising."

The Octoling looked at Mona, who had recovered from tripping and was stealthily reaching for her hat while Cranch was preoccupied. "Leave her alone, before I get angry," he finally said.

Ligo snorted. "And what, exactly, can you do to the three of us?"

"Look me in the eye."

"Is that a challenge?"

All three stared at the Octoling in contempt. "So what exactly can you-" Bigfin broke off as the boy's eyes began to glow. The trio suddenly seemed to go rigid. Like they were paralyzed or something. But that was crazy....

"Hey, kid. Grab your hat and scram," The Octoling addressed Mona, who was staring at the gang with a mixture of awe and confusion.

"Ah, y-yes, of course!" She stuttered a bit. Mona grabbed her hat and was about to run before she remembered her manners. "Thanks, Mr...." she trailed off.


"Thank you, Lyze. I'm Mona."

"No problem, Mona. Hey, real quick. Mind if I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"What were they harassing you for?"

Mona weighed her options. She could just make a break for it now, but that would make her seem like a real jerk. Plus, this Lyze kid just protected her; what harm could it do to tell him the truth?

Mona hesitated for another, brief second, then pulled down her hood, revealing her jet black tentacles. "My hair."

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