For Araceli

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  • Dedicated to Araceli Galindo

Katherine. Everybody knew who Katherine was. She was popular no matter where she went, and her location did change a lot. See, Katherine's family moved a lot so she was forced to make new friends, and that lead to becoming popular. Sadly, due to this fact it was hard for poor Katherine to hold on to a stable friendship.

Of course, like everything, popularity had it's down sides. It usually meant being surrounded by tons of people that claim to care about you, when, in fact, they did not. It was an issue. All Katherine really wanted was to have a best friend, even if that best friend lived far away. It's not like she didn't try to keep in contact with her 'friends' from schools that she had been to before, that just never really worked out for her. These problems were actual problems. It must have been hard for a teenager to grow up popular and not have friends. Sure, there are those few people that go through high school with 0-1 friends, but those are usually true friends. 

 Having no friends for Katherine meant having nobody to confide in, as her parents were always busy. So, Katherine turned to music and books for comfort and if she needed to let something out she found that writing down her thoughts and throwing them away was an okay way to let it all out. Little did she know that she was not the only one with a situation like this.

About a week later there is new student at school, her name is Lily. Lily's friends situation was quite the same and quite different from Katherine's. Lily had never had to start a new school before because she'd lived in the same town her entire life, so it was hard for her to make friends. She just had'nt had the experience that Katherine had in having to make new friends.

Although not instantly Katherine finally saw the girl sitting by herself at a lunch table and was intrigued. Why was she by herself? Didn't she have friends? As she walked closer she recognized the girl as the new girl in her Biology class, but she couldn't remember her name. She decided to take a safe approach to the situation and sat down next to the strange girl (strange because she was alone, 
Katherine can be judgmental at times). 

"Hi! You're new here right? My name in Katherine." She said rather cheerfully.

The girl sighed and said, "I know your name I'm in your English, Math, and Biology classes."

Feeling a bit confused and embarrassed she said, "Right! What's your name?"

"My name is Lily." The girl she could now identify as Lily said, but she seemed a bit upset that Katherine hadn't known her name.

"Right, I knew that, I meant your last name." Katherine smiled.

"Stevenson." Lily smiled back.

And this was the start of a beautiful relationship.

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