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I'm at the crossroad, standing still driven deeply with thoughts,
I've believed from day one I got to know love,
But today here I'm, expressing myself each day trying to rethink if I really do understand the exact definition love,
Mentally,I'm twisted, I can't think straight cos I'm trapped,
My heart has taken control over me and I can't  think on my own any more,
It has consumed me, making every decision on who I should love and shouldn't,
I'm so sick my dear heart
You've fooled me several times
You've made me believe that love really exist
Even where it's trace can't even be traced
People are so mean,
Please come down my heart and give me direction,
Cos I'm losing the grip and I can't catch even a glimpse of her,
They are all beautiful and that's where I need your help
This time I want a genuine you to lead me,
My heart shower me with unconditional love,
Don't deceive me again

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