186 pranks (Hp/Marauders)

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Not allowed to tell first years that the only way to get Peeves to stop annoying them is to serenade him with the Weird Sister’s song “I Want To Polter-Kiss You”

Not allowed to reenact the Barricade scene from Les Miserables in the Great Hall

Not allowed to reenact the Barricade scene from Les Miserables on Hogwarts grounds

Not allowed to build a shrine to Sirius Black’s hair

Not allowed to list Merlin as their legal guardian on their Hosgmeade permission form

Not allowed to list Merlin, Morgana, any Troll King, muggle Emperor or Abeforth Dumbledore as their legal guardian on their Hogsmeade permission form

Not allowed to walk in front of Professor McGonagall throwing roses and confetti

The following reasons are not valid reasons to banish first years from the Gryffindor common room (especially as they don’t have the authority to banish anyone from the common room): being obnoxious, annoying, too short, loud, irritating, a defender of the Slytherin kind, a midget, a reminder of their favourite deceased relative, scrappy, unexpectedly better than Peter Pettigrew at gobstones

Must not wear eye patches in commemoration of any dead pirate

Even if the dead pirate is apparently a recently deceased relative

Not allowed to physically remove anyone from the best seats in the Gryffindor common room

Not allowed to reserve seats in the Gryffindor common room

Not allowed to threaten anyone sat in their desired seat with “death if you don’t move in the next two seconds”

Mustn't talk about failed executions in front of Nearly Headless Nick

Should not discuss the likelihood of a giant invasion in earshot of first and second years

Not allowed to magically glue a beret to the caretaker’s cat’s head

Not allowed to magically glue a beret to the caretaker’s head

Not allowed to use the prefect bathroom for activities aside from washing

Not allowed to label ingredients in the Potion’s supply closet as “deadly weapons of war”

Not allowed to teach students rude Latin phrases under the pretence of them being spells

Not allowed to release nifflers into the great hall during the Valentine’s Day feast

Should not be allowed within ten feet of any niffler which may be stolen and used to cause havoc in the school

Not allowed to pay lost bets against Ravenclaws with leprechaun gold

Must never charm the suits of armour to sing “Mamma Mia” when Professor Slughorn walks past them

Even if Professor Slughorn doesn’t mind

Must not forge letters from the Minister for Magic to Dumbledore expressing their deepest adoration for his beard

Not allowed to replace the toad in the hole’s at the Slytherin table with actual toads in yorkshire puddings

Not allowed to sing potentially offending lyrics at quidditch matches

Not allowed to sing potentially offending lyrics at quidditch matches especially when Remus Lupin is conducting

Not allowed to wear mourning veils during any external examinations

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