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3rd person POV.

You sat next to your boyfriend C/n and attempted to study for calculus.

Math wasn't your strongest subject, you were good but not like god level at math.

(Raise your hand if you can relate!🙋🏻‍♀️)

Your eyes pores over the notes you had written in a notebook as C/n helped explain what you had written in a simpler way for you to understand.

The next class you had was Physics.

Soon you were growing tired of studying and just wanted to take a nap or watch YouTube or something.

You rest your head softly on the table and soon you fell asleep to C/n's soft voice helping you try to understand Physics.

Y/b/f/n was the first to notice that you feel asleep and decided not to say anything and let C/n notice that you had fallen asleep, she went back to studying with her boyfriend b/f/c/n (best friends crushes name).

"And that's how that works. Understand Y/n?" He asks



No response.

"Love?" He asks

Soon he turns to his side and sees that you've fallen asleep.

He chuckles at how adorable you looked and sat behind you.

He wrapped his arms around you and planted a soft kiss to your head which brought a small smile to your face.

He notices and does it again before resting his head on yours and falling asleep with you.

"Those two can get anything done sometimes." B/f/n laughs

B/f/c/n laughs loudly before B/f/n hits him in the arm, silencing him so they don't wake up.

She takes out her phone and takes a picture of them, posting it on Instagram.

@itsy/b/f/n! ...

❤️     💬    ✉️                                                   📩48 likes ItsY/b/f/n!   I swear these two can't get anything done sometimes 😂 @y/u/n @c/u/n #coupletings #cute #adorable #napping @b/f/c/nnnn : GET TO WORK WEIRDOS @y/s/n: My litt...

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❤️ 💬 ✉️ 📩
ItsY/b/f/n! I swear these two can't get anything done sometimes 😂 @y/u/n @c/u/n
#coupletings #cute #adorable #napping
@b/f/c/nnnn : GET TO WORK WEIRDOS
@y/s/n: My little sister has a cuter love life than me 😪 wowwwww

Y/b/f/n looks up from her phone at the two of you sleeping peacefully and decided to write a note telling you both that they were leaving.

She left it on your phone you you'd be able to see it.

Her and her boyfriend left the two of you and decided to go get some ice cream, planning on not telling you because she knew you'd get angry.

1 hour later

You started to stir and noticed that there were arms wrapped around your body.


You giggled tiredly and look behind you to see his c/h/c hair, his face pressed against your shoulder.

You turn to kiss his head softly, which makes him stir and look up at you.

He smiles adorable before pecking you on the lips.

"What time is it?" He asks

You reach for your phone and find the note Y/b/f/n wrote.

Y'all fell asleep so we left XD
See you lovebirds tmrw

You open your phone to see that it was now 5:42 pm.

"We've been asleep for an hour." You giggle

He snuggles his face into your neck as you open your phone and see that Y/b/f/n has tagged you in a picture.

You open it and your eyes widen.

@itsy/b/f/n! ...

❤️     💬    ✉️                                                   📩78 likes ItsY/b/f/n!   I swear these two can't get anything done sometimes 😂 @y/u/n @c/u/n #coupletings #cute #adorable #napping @b/f/c/nnnn : GET TO WORK WEIRDOS @y/s/n: My litt...

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❤️ 💬 ✉️ 📩
ItsY/b/f/n! I swear these two can't get anything done sometimes 😂 @y/u/n @c/u/n
#coupletings #cute #adorable #napping
@b/f/c/nnnn : GET TO WORK WEIRDOS
@y/s/n: My little sister has a cuter love life than me 😪 wowwwww
@Y/f/n: Single for life 😐

You smiled softly before laughing out loud and showing C/n.

He looks at it before smiling and chuckling.

You liked the photo before starting to clean up your notebooks and textbooks.

C/n puts his stuff back in his backpack and stands up, holding his hand out for you to take and you gladly take it, intertwining you're fingers and walking out of the library to get ice cream.

You walked in a comfortable silence before he speaks up.

"I love you." He smiles

"I love you too." You say

You walk into the ice cream shop and see Y/b/f/n and b/f/c/n.

She looks at you two and her eyes widen.

She was in trouble now that she knew she was getting ice cream without you.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Have a great day and stay awesome guys!
Word count:792
Written, finished: 12/14/19
Published: 12/18/19

Crush x Reader Imagines ❤️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora