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Me and Tay rushed off to class, I wasn't as tired as before. I looked inside the class and the whole room was full already. From top to bottom it was all packed. The only place left to sit was next to Josh, who had Naomi on his other side. I looked over at Tay going up to the other empty seat in the room and she started bursting out laughing.
I laughed and sat down next to Josh and took out my things.

"Hey Liyah." Naomi said looking over at me with her arm around Josh. I gave her a smirk and stared up at him and looked away. Sometimes I couldn't stand to see someone like her all over Josh. He was secretly mine, so I seen it as get away from what's mine.

We were about 25 minutes into the class, and of course just about everybody was sleep or trying to pay attention. I was paying attention, writing down everything that was being shown up on the screen so I could study for the next exam and hopefully pass. Then I felt a cold hand rub up on my thigh that caused me to shiver a bit.

I looked up at Josh from the corner of my eye and quickly moved his hand. He smirked over at me and laughed quietly, and I smiled as if i didn't know what he was laughing about.

I began to focus again, writing away on my fourth page in my notebook. When I was getting all into it until I felt his hand again, gripping onto my thigh hard. I shivered again and bit my lip trying to keep my composure. His hand rubbed up my thigh and skirt slowly, and my legs began to tremble a little from his cold hands that gave me that sensation that I longed for.

I could feel myself getting hot and bothered from his touch, I just wanted to get on top of this desk and just let him have me, right here right now. He slid his hands into my panties and it left me slightly breathless. I bit my lip and struggled to focus on the lecture. He rubbed on my clit softly and slowly, and I tried to clinch my legs together to give him the signal to stop, but he kept going, and I was getting to a point where I couldn't hold it in anymore, and he knew it. I began to breath heavy and my legs began to get lose from the tight clinch. The shivers raced up my spine as I gripped onto his arm tightly.

"Liyah you alright?" I recognized the voice and looked over at Naomi. what am I supposed to say, 'no your boyfriend is turning me on right now'? Yeah right. I honestly didn't know how to answer her.

"I'm fine, I just feel hot. It's so hot is anyone else hot?" I started fanning myself and when she looked away I forced Josh's hand out, stood up and grabbed my stuff to leave, looking up at Tay.

"No he didn't!" She shouted with the loud laugh of hers that seems to catch everyone's attention everytime. She knew exactly what I was talking about. Well, who I was talking about.

Her BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now