CHAPTER 24: The head of the Everglade family.

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Since I wasn't able to find Lance anywhere, I left without him.

I thought about how everything had gone today. Making out with my step-sister was an amazing experience until, you know, the moment I discovered she was my step-sister.

Emilia wasn't my step-mom or anything so I guess Lance isn't my brother.

I sighed. Still, why was life so complicated. I was giving Lance the cold shoulder this morning because he didn't tell me about our sister. That wasn't the only reason though, I was kind of upset that charity was still in our house. I didn't hate her but I wanted to be Lance's maid.

Who cares if she has a better figure than me coupled with years of experience?

I got home and was surprised to see some strange people at home.

Had Charity invited them over?

"GG! Your home!"

I recognized the voice. It was Trisha. She was sitting with an older lady and another girl.

"Hey Trisha," I said.

"Come over here and meet my mom," said Trisha.

I walked over to the older lady, "Nice to meet you Ma. I'm Gina George; Lance's maid."

"I'm Yvonne. Thanks for taking care of Mimi." She said then motioned towards the other girl, "This is Mirabel; my second daughter."

Mirabel smiled at me which I also returned with an equal smile of my own.

"Pardon me asking but, who are those?" I asked while looking at the two elderly men who appeared to be in their fifties.

"They are Lance's grand uncles." Said charity who was dressed as one of those maids you see in a telemundo series, "They just showed up out of the blues. Damn! I was planning to have a skin to skin session with Lance when he got home."

My eyes darted towards Yvonne thinking she would be mad at Charity but I was surprised when I saw her laughing.

"You can't do that when Trisha is here now," said Yvonne amidst the laughter, "It would be like your snatching her husband."

Trisha blushed and nudged her mother, "Mom! Don't say that."

"My, my," said her mom, "Don't you love him?"

"I... I..." Trisha blushed even more, "He doesn't even see me as a woman anyway!"

"You can't blame him. He's still just a kid." Said Charity shaking while shaking her head, "And he can be indecisive at times."

"Indeed." Said Yvonne, "What do you think Gina?"

"Uhm... I wouldn't know. I'm just his maid." I said while looking at my feet.

When my eyes met theirs, they were all giving me an are-you-serious stare. Even Mirabel.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh it's nothing," said Trisha.

"Nothing at all," said Yvonne.

Charity just shook her head and said, "Hurry up and change, so that we maids can serve the guests."

I complied.

After sometime, I had changed into the maid costume similar to what Charity wore. The guests were not bad at all. They all had this atmosphere around them. I can't really explain it but Lance used to have it before the accident. The atmosphere carried his family carried was filled with warmth and would just pull you in.

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