chapter 2

25 2 14

james pov)

"beep" beep" my alarm went off like nuts. i turned it off and got out of bed, i walked to my closet and forgot i didnt put my clothes away,i went to the boxes and grabbed a random t-shirt and blue jeans, i put on white socks and went to the kitchen, "morning sweetie" my mom said. "Morning" i mumbled. I grabbed my lunch and threw it into my bag "did dad leave already?" I asked. My mom nodded "yes sweetie" she said  "alright...where is my bus stop?" I asked. "At the stop sign at the end of the road" my mom said. "Thanks mom" i said, i put my jacket on, slipped my shoes on and grabbed my bag, i didnt even think about saying bye, i just left.

6s pov)

Since what happened, i havent been with my father, i been living with my friend sam, thankly her parents like me. I hopped out of bed and rolled to my closet, i opened it and relizied i threw half of my clothes away . Because they all reminded me of the past. I grabbed a shirt and threw it on and put on my thin white jacket. I slipped my shoes on, as they where next to my bed. I walked downstairs and saw sam "your awake before me" i said. "Because i couldn't sleep" sam said. "Why?" I asked. She looked at me "i kept having nightmares" she said. "Im sorry sam" i said, i looked at the time on my phone "oh shit, we need to go" i said. I grabbed my bag and walked out and sam followed  me "bye mom! We are leaving!" She yelled before shutting the door and leaving

We walked down to the bus stop early, way before anyone else. It was quiet, well it was like 5:30 in the morning, the bus usually gets here around 5:45 or something like that. People began to show up and everyone got to their groups

James pov)

I walked down to the bus stop and saw people around the stop sign, i kept walking towards the stop, people looked at me and whispered, its probably because im short for my age, im 4'11 for a 14 year old, thats maybe tall for my age or short. I stayed far from everyone and looked around to see micheal, of course he was here, but with a group of people. I looked around and saw the bus in the distance, it pulled up and everyone got on, i walked on and began to walk to the back and sat down, i always sat in the back because its quiet...well my old bus it was. I layed my head on the seat and closed my eyes

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