48. answers

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This chapter is in Braelyn's POV. And the next chapter will be Nico's but at the same time as Braelyn's is happening!

 And the next chapter will be Nico's but at the same time as Braelyn's is happening!

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The knife is right next to my arm, stuck into the mattress. If I moved half an inch to the side I'd cut myself on the sharp blade. The thought of that doesn't scare me a bit, after all, I just had a knife against my throat.

I finally get to process what just happened. As I turn my head I look to the side and see James on top of Lorenzo, holding the gruesome devil's arms down on either side of his body.

Lorenzo glares up at James as he tries to get free, but James doesn't even budge. I hear a small whimper by the door, making me snap my head there. Daniella is standing there, hugging her bunny teddy bear close to her as her lower lip wobbles.

I quickly grab the bed sheets and wrap myself in it, trying to ignore the blood soaking in on the white sheets. She snaps her head towards me as tears flow down her cheeks. I quickly run over to her and pick her up, making sure the sheet stays around me.

"My dad..." She whimpers as she drops her teddy. I hug her close, even though the pain on my ribs hurt like crazy. I don't care about that right now.

"He's going to be fine..." I say softly to her as I pretty much sprint towards James' room. As we pass the staircase I see Nico and Jackson walking up as they're talking. They both snap their heads to me.

Jackson's face turns into one of shock, while Nico's eyes the blood on the sheet with a hard look. His eyes snap up to mine and I nod my head back into our room. I quickly leave them and keep carrying Daniella into her room.

"W-What is happening to my dad, Brae Brae?" She asks me as she sobs. I shush her and gently pet her hair. She puts her face in my neck as I push the door on ajar fully open.

"He's just fighting off the big bad man. The big bad man hurt me, and your father is protecting me." I say as I walk over to the smaller bed in one corner of the room. The sheets are very soft pink with small white bunnies on them. "Your dad is very brave and strong, he will be fine," I say as I pet her hair once more, walking over and placing her down on the bed.

Once she's down on the bed I quickly hug the sheets further up again. Daniella looks around the room frantically as I crouch down next to her.

"What is it, sweetheart?" I ask her. She looks up at me with sad and panicked eyes, making my heart shatter.

"I can't find Mr. Bunnyton." She whimpers. I'm about to stand up again when I hear derby shoes approach us. I turn my head to the side to see Jackson coming in, holding the brown stuffed bunny in his hand, earning a gasp from Daniella.

I send him a small smile as I feel blood trickle down from my wound. My head is pounding and my vision is a bit blurred, but it's not hurting as much anymore.

"Here you go, honey," Jackson says and hands it to Daniella. She smiles a small smile up at him and eagerly grabs the stuffed animal, hugging it close as she closes her eyes. It doesn't even take her half a minute before she's asleep again.

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