Chapter 42

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"Damn" Billie whistled and squeezed my thigh to gain my attention "no wonder your aunt and uncle wanted the house in Milan so bad. Baby look at it"

Billie handed me the document with all of nana's properties and the page with the Milan house was open.

It was a beautiful little brick town house, with greenery surrounding it and a pool in the back. A black fence surrounded the property and it even had a vibrant green backyard.

"Wow, is that mine?" I asked Mr Keller who was nana's lawyer and the man who was responsible for her will.

"Yes Miss Reed, like I've informed you numerous times all of the properties in that document are yours now. Everything in this one" he held up another document "states other things of ownership you are now entitled to, such as cars, boats and so on"

"Boats?" I asked in disbelief "sorry may I be excused a moment?" I left the room and hastily walked out of the building and found a quiet spot where I could just think.

It's been two days since the will reading and I've had to change phone numbers because I was getting so many calls from so many people. And none of them from my family thankfully.

But the calls were from investors, workers and even the CFO of the company. All worried that me owning the company would cause shares to plummet and the stock price to decrease too.

And the worst part is I don't even know what they are talking about!

I don't know what annual shares are. I don't know what the stock market is. I though there was only the CEO of a company not a CFO of a company. And to really top it all off, I think they are right.

I'm not cut out to run a company. That takes time and effort and I have neither. I barely have time to stay fit, eat well and give Billie attention.

How the hell did nana think I'd be able to run a company? I bet she's watching me, wherever her darn soul is resting and cackling away at the stress she's putting me through without even being alive.

I can't do this! I just can't-

"Eleanor baby, why are you mumbling to yourself out here in the cold?" Billie asked and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"What do I do Bil?" I practically cried out and leant my head on her shoulder.

"Bout what E?" she rubbed soothing circle into my side.

"Everything! I'm so stressed out! I'm way too young to run some company. I'm being attacked by business people and all of a sudden I'm rich and own a lot of shit. God, I sound like such a privileged dick complaining about this- I- I don't know what to feel or who to believe and I—"

Exchange// Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now