Chapter 5

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I could feel my chest tighten as my breathing started to get faster. My eyes started to sting, and then I felt the tears fall down my cheeks. “N-niall?” I couldn’t take my eyes off that slut. She was all over him, he hands rubbing his back, he chest pressed up against his, her lips pressed against Niall’s. Niall on the other hand was stood there, he had his eyes closed, and I could see his lips moving in sync with hers, which made everything worse. His hands were down by his side, but he looked relaxed. When he heard my voice, his eyes shot open and he blushed bright red.

“Vicky, wait! Let me explain what happened…”

“What is there to explain Niall? You were kissing another girl, who if you hadn’t noticed wasn’t your girlfriend. I was freaking out in there Niall, you know how much clowns scare me, and yet you still let go of my shoulders and come through here and kiss some slut. I don’t think I need your explanation thanks.”

The tears flowed down my cheeks and dripped onto my top. How could he do that to me? I started to walk off when Niall grabbed my hand and stopped me from going anywhere.

“Listen to me Vicky. I didn’t mean to kiss her, please understand! I would never want to hurt you, you know that! I love you!”

Why didn’t I believe his words anymore? Just this morning I was lying next to him, kissing him with passion, love. And now his words didn’t mean a thing; my heart was broken into a million little pieces that would probably never heal.

“Why don’t I believe you?”

*Year and a half earlier*

“So where do you come from?” Louis looked at me with a friendly face.

“Um, I come from Cumbria.” I smiled back and couldn’t help feel a bit uncomfortable, what with them asking me so many questions.

“Oh nice, do you like it there?”

“It’s okay. I would prefer to live in London, I like the big cities.” I quickly peaked down at my watch and saw that it was almost 11, I had promised my mum I would be back by 11:30, and it was going to be at least a 30 minute journey back.

“I’m really guys, but I have to go! My mum wants me home by 11:30…” That is so embarrassing, they can be out as late as they want and can do whatever they want.

“Oh did you need a lift back?” Come to think of it I probably did.

“I can’t just ask you guys to take me back! I can just get a taxi or something?”

“We were going to leave now anyway, so you might as well come with us!” I smiled at how nice they were being.

“Okay, let me just go pay for the food and then we can go!”

“Already done, Niall has a black card, gets the food for free.” A black card? God I want to be a celebrity. I could do with having a free nando’s whenever I wanted.

“A-are you sure? I feel really rude now…”

“Nah, it’s fine Vicky, we don’t mind paying for it… well we didn’t really have to pay…”

I smiled at their generosity and got up from the table.

As we approached my house I began to feel sad that I had to leave the boys.

“Thank you so much for dinner, and I had such a great time meeting you all!”

“It was great meeting you too Vicky.” Niall smiled and got out of the car to let me out.

“Thanks Niall!”

“I had a great time tonight, and it was so good meeting you. We have to do this again sometime!?” He leaned in and gave me a hug. People were right, Horan hugs are the best hugs you can get.

“Bye Niall!”

Best. Night. Ever.

*A year and half later*

I sat in the taxi crying my eyes out. How could he do that to me? I left everything for him. I left my parents, my family, my friends, I even decided not to go to University because the distance would have been awful, and we just wouldn’t have found the time to talk to each other. I am 19 years old, not doing what I wanted to do in life. Instead I am working in Abercrombie, which fine is a good job, but I wanted to make something of my life, become a fashion designer, and work in Paris etc.

The image of him kissing her back kept running around in my mind, the thought of it made me more upset.

My phone hadn’t stopped ringing for the past hour; I was in the taxi driving back to central London. I ignored it every time. I didn’t want to hear his voice, nor did I want to see him.

He had no right to do that to me, he told me he loved me, and I believed him. But that meant nothing now.

My eyes hurt from all the crying, I probably looked a sight.

“We’re here miss; that’ll be £40.” £40?

“That seems a lot for a taxi…” I handed the money over and got out of the car. As I made my way up the steps I noticed Niall’s car in the drive way. I knew I shouldn’t have let the taxi driver get fuel.

As I opened the door to the flat, it’s weird I know, but it’s almost like I could feel his presence.

I walked through into the living room, where I saw him sitting. His eyes were red and puffy and he looked broken, just like me. Why should I feel sympathetic towards him?

“Vicky, please can we talk about this.”

I stopped at the entrance to the bedroom.

“What is there to talk about Niall? I saw you, kissing her back. What more is there to say? I thought you loved me.” I felt the lump at the back of my throat; I swallowed trying to sound strong.

“I didn’t mean to kiss her back, and I do love you Vicky. You are my everything and I am so upset, I wish I could back in time and stay with you. I didn’t mean for her to kiss me, she just came up to me! I couldn’t hear you screaming. I love you so much Vicky, nothing in the world can stop that. And if you leave me I don’t think I can ever be happy again. Please, you have to believe me.”

I thought aHpebout it. He sounded like he was telling the truth. But I still can’t get over the fact that I saw him kissing another girl.

“Vicky, you knew this was going to be hard. You knew about the fans, I told what they have done to Harry before… I thought you understood that.”

“I did understand that, but you were kissing her back Niall! That is what I can’t get over. Why would you do that to me?”

I looked down at the floor, fighting back the tears that were threatening to come out.

“I wasn’t kissing her back! Honestly, I just stood there; if I fought her then she might have done it for longer, Harry learnt from his mistakes. He told us to do that. I would never in a million years think about hurting you like that Vicky!”

“How can I believe you?”


Hope you are enjoying the story:) 

and the song at the side, may not have any relevance to the chapter but i just like it so much, and wanted to share it with all you lovely people! xx

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