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You had been particularly bored this afternoon. The news was repeating stuff you already knew, all the shows weren't piquing your interest and everyone else was busy as far as you were aware. 

You got up from the couch and walked around, looking inside everyone room.

When you reached Anti's room, you heard pencil scratching on the other side and a few grunts.

You knock on the door but got no reply. 'Maybe he couldn't hear me?'

You click open the door to see him colouring in a page filled with detailed birds.

There was pencils everywhere either blunt or broken scattered across his bed. You could see the deep impressions on the page. 

Anti seemed distressed and annoyed. He didn't look up when he spoke.

"Doc said it's suppose to relieve stress. 'Relieve stress', my ass."

"What are you stressed about?" Your interest stirred. 

"I don't want to talk about it. It's just one of those days." Looking away slightly. "Wanna colour with me? I'd really like it if you did."

I kneel on the bed and lay down towards him, picking up a pencil.

"I'm not very good at keeping in the lines though."

Anti shrugged. "So long as your here, I think I'll be fine."

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