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{Time period; Rainbow:10, Gold:9, Funneh:7, Lunar:6, Draco:5}

Authaya..The main city of Thailand. The place where Krew resides at..How peaceful. Not to the Krew, The were stuck as "servants" of a rich couple, not only rich but a VERY selfish couple too. They insist that Rainbow would be paid for her job along with her siblings but, They never paid for her. Rainbow was used to fan the couple, Gold was in charge of Shopping for food, Funneh was used to clean the mansion top to bottom, Lunar was used to cook and make fine clothes. Draco however gets  a special treatment, he was treated like a son. They spoiled Draco and brought him anything he desires. But, all he desires is for his sisters to be free.

One warm summer Afternoon, Rainbow was fanning Draco, and he asked her a question, "Have you ever wondered how our life would be like if you guys were treated like me?", Asked Draco. "Hmn..I do. We would be so happy together. Too bad, I wish we were like you.", Replied Rainbow. Gold walked in and said,"Yeah, Life would be so much more better. Imagine me getting all the gold and jewelry I desire!" "The couple just kills it.", Funneh moaned as she was cleaning Draco's golden shoes. When Funneh finished her sentence, The couple came in and said, "Draco dear! We have gotten you some new accessories and some gold too! Isn't it lovely?" , Asked his step-mother. "Y-yeahhh..Lovely..", Said Draco. He was unsure to ask if his sisters can be like him, But he asked them anyways. The answer was that girls are supposed to cook and clean, Basically tring to give Draco a VERY lame excuse for making his sisters maids.

That Night, The couple was asleep, The krew girls are asleep in the dusty attic. Draco was up in his room wondering, "What if my sisters had the same life as me..Mabye I'll be more happy.." Then an idea struck Draco, He had a plan to end everything. The plan was simple, ESCAPE. However, that was almost the end of the month, The sisters had MORE work to do. Draco moved his plan to the beggining of June. (It's May right now in the story.)

That day, Lunar was making breakfast. She notices Draco,feeling down and sad. She whipped up a fancy breakfast for him and asked, "Why so blue?" The reply she got was, "Not now,Lunar.."

That same day, at night time. Draco packed his things and will tell the Krew about it, tomorrow. He told Rainbow first, followed by Gold, then Funneh, It eventually made it's way to Lunar. They agreed to the plan. At midnight,They jumped out of the windows and ran into the outskirts of the city. The couple didn't really care, They had hundreds of servants. The krew were just, Useless to them.

Draco sold his stuff in the local market and earned some money, enough for clothes and blankets. Rainbow went farming and actaully got paid, she used the money for food. Gold became a butler at a rich couple, The couple Gold served was kind and sweet. Their daughter who was the same age as Gold, gave them toys and books. Lunar helped Draco, she was cooking and selling freshly made food. Funneh actually was working hard in the bamboo forest nearby.

The krew are getting stable at it,but..unfortunetly. Rainbow lost her job, Gold only has gotten items that aren't money. Lunar and Draco dodn't made much, Bacuse Draco's golden accessiores are gone. Well,not all. He had some for Gold to wear. Funneh was very tired from getting cutted bamboo, so she can make products to sell. Everything was getting harder each day. Now with Rainbow losing her job, Not much produce left for food. It seemes that the krew may give up. But..they didn't. Hope is still there.

Krew Thai AU (COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now