Unexpected Outcomes

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It took me several moments to calm myself down. I knew what had happened to mother but hearing it from their mouths made more upset than what I would have thought.

It also lit a fire under my ass and made me want to punch someone in the face but that's besides the point. I have had a bad feeling in my stomach since we got here.

When I finally calmed down Taehyung and Jungkook were looking at me silently asking for my okay to which I nodded.

We waited until it was late enough that we could sneak around the compound without the feel of getting caught whilst also not late enough that if would be shady.

Taking a step in a place I never would see again was so surreal I did so much to get away almost gave my life and now I'm back here. I shook my head it's temporary and then I never have to comeback to this dump of a place.

Sneaking in the dark around this place was silly but also necessary I don't want to think about what would happen if we got caught.

We made it two houses down by my what used to be my house and there was a commotion going on. I without thinking took off in that direction while Taehyung and Jungkook whisper yelled at me not too.

Walking further it made it clear the commotion was at my house and I hid behind our huge oak tree watching trying to figure out what was happening.

" You do not put your hands on her again your hear me you insolent child"a familiar voice says

"I do what I want when I want old man" I heard a voice say it also sounds familiar less so than the first but familiar nonetheless.

I pear around the oak tree and gasp loudly but it's covered by the argument being had in front of me I look to the side and in the distance I can see Kookie and Taehyung gesturing me to come back but I shake my head.

"Oh stop acting like a big bad Alpha when your still a pup" said the older Alpha... my father.

My father was having an argument with Dongwoo, Dahyung's other inner circle member.

"Boss said I could do whatever I wanted with her anything to keep her mouth shut"

"I disagree she's my wife and don't think for a second I don't know what your "boss" as you like to call him did to my daughter. I know she went missing after I had betrothed her to him. I know what kind of person he is and I know his secrets. Don't forget I am the richest man in this compound. Dahyung's father is mayor only because I allow him to he is simply a pawn while I am the king in this chess board" my father says with so much conviction it's startling to me.

My father a man who never showed me any care or affection spoke of me. What is going on here.

"Your "boss" already took my daughter and now because of it my wife is distraught and you are going to punish her for grieving the loss of our only child. Let's get one thing straight here boy. You hurt my wife again and it will be the last thing you ever do" my father spat at Dongwoo and growled at him his eyes glowing a dark red as his Alpha fought to come to the surface.

Dongwoo looked like he would shit his pants at any second. It was quite a funny site to see.

I figured it was enough and gestured to Taehyung and Jungkook and to my house and moved stealthily into my house with Taehyung and Kookie with me.

"Let's go, my parents room is on the second floor" I said gesturing to the door and we opened the door and it looked like hell had been through here.

This house had been through hell it had never looked like this when I still lived here now there's furniture thrown around and plates smashed everything has been tossed in what looks like a fit of rage.

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