Cindy's story

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Cindy got out of bed at 7:30am like she did every morning. But today wasn't an average day, today was visiting day for all the kid's parents. Cindy couldn't wait for her mom and dad to arrive they hadn't visited her in months! She couldn't wait to show them how much she could lift. Her powers had grown so much she could now lift 15 tons in each arm! Marsha even bought her a new outfit for the occasion. To her Marsha was almost like a mother. Ms.Holloway was her main teacher too but their relationship was more than that. Marsha was the one who taught her about "girl stuff" and about boys. Even with all that Marsha could never replace Cindy's real mother. No one could. That's why she loved visit days more than anything. Even more than her new outfit, which was a cute pink dress with a matching headband, which is saying a lot. She started walking towards the cafeteria when she was blocked by a giant hand. "Hey Tuck!" Cindy said to the now normal sized teenage boy. "Hey little sis" Tucker replied. " Wanna walk to breakfast together?" "Sure!" Said Cindy. Tucker and Cindy had been best friends for as long as they had known eachother. Even though he was twice her age they got along great. She loved giving him piggyback rides and his expanded stomach was a great trampoline. They started walking down to the cafeteria when Tucker asked," You excited about visiting day?" Cindy replied with a smile," Of course! I can't wait to see my mom, are your parents coming?" Tucker stopped and looked at Cindy before saying," Nah, my mom had to work and my dad's off on a fishing trip." As they reached the cafeteria Cindy replied," Oh, that's too bad , but you can come hang out with my parents and me, they love you!" This was true and they both knew this. Cindy's parents loved watching him expand and shrink, it was so cool! Sometimes they even brought cookies for Cindy and Tucker. Cindy didn't know a lot about Tucker's parents, except that they only came to one visit day a year out out of 3. " Sounds good!" Said Tucker as he grabbed an extra piece of bacon. Cindy grabbed a bowl of cereal and nearly dropped it when she felt her team zenith alert phone vibrate in her pocket."What does Jack want now?!" Thought Cindy as she put down the bowl and grabbed Tucker but he was already on his way. " I wonder what they want." Exclaimed Cindy." Marsha probably just wants to review the visiting day rules or something." Replied Tucker. They reached HQ where they found Summer, Dylan Jack, Marsha and Connor waiting. "We've got a problem." Explained Jack. " It looks like visiting day is gonna have to wait."

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