Giyu Tomioka |Congratulations Part 2

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Requested by sEnKu_s_hOezS

To avoid misunderstanding please read this:

If you've read the 1st part of congratulations, the reader got married to another Pillar, in this one shot there would be another woman which is the reader but is different from the 1st one shot. In short the reader from the 1st one shot is different from the reader on this one shot.

I hope It makes sense


To say that Giyu was sad over his failed first love was an understatement, he was devastated, he was depressed. To watch the love of his life get married without having chance to confess his feelings for her was too much burden for him.

He spent days or rather weeks moving on, he would rarely come out of his house, though he acted the same around others, deep down you can see the sorrow and pain on his eyes.

"Giyu, are you home?" you called out as you step in inside his house, as usual you were greeted with silence.

"Giyu?" you called once again as you roam around his house.

"(Y/N)? what are you doing in here?" his gentle voice said behind you, you turned around only to be met with a newly woken up Giyu, his hair were messy, his clothes were wrinkled and his eyes had dark circles around them.

"you've only woken up?! the sun already risen up and what's with that look? your not taking care of yourself properly" you scold him as Giyu stand there listening to you nag nonetheless.

"...It's already been weeks, don't you  think you should move on?" you said after you scold him for not taking care of himself. You and Giyu had been friends for so long, you know that he love her and you also know how much he grieve when she got married.

"..." Giyu didn't answer your question making you a sigh.

"sorry, just fix yourself and eat, I've brought some food" you said as you went to his kitchen and prepare some food for him. a little while later, Giyu come out of his room, looking what he usually looks like.

He sat down in front of the table, in front of you and ate the food you place in front of him, while you watch him silently eat.

"want to go out today?" you suddenly said breaking the silence between you two.

"sure" was his only answered as he finish eating. soon the both of your were strolling outside, just walking to pass time, it was quiet between you two but it was comfortable. Spending time with Giyu, time seems to fast befre you notice it was getting dark and Giyu had ask you to go back home which you sadly oblige.

However, as you and Giyu were going home, from the corner of your eyes the both of you catch someone familiar, none other than Giyu's first love.

"Hey?! where are you going?!" you called out as Giyu attempted to follow her but you took hold of his wrist to prevent him from leaving.

"you're going to leave me again?" you mumbled as your hair cover your eyes.

"What do you mean?" Giyu ask, as he made no attempt to leave after seeing you upset.

"you always prioritize her before me, you always leave me alone by myself" you muttered just wanting to let it all out.

"..(Y/N) you know I L--" 

"Love her? I know" you cut of Giyu as you let go of his wrist and just stand there in front of him.

"...and I also Love you...more than you know" you confess as the first snow of the month falls down on the both of you as if teasing you for finally letting your feelings out. 

Giyu's eyes widen for a second but quickly go back to the same it was. he started to question your actions for the past years the both of you had been together, was he really so blind to someone else that he didn't see the person beside him all along?

"I know you really love her and I won't be able to replace her in your heart..." you said as you nervously fidget around, staring at the ground as you remembered the times you sacrifice yourself for Giyu's happiness. 

"again?" you said to Giyu in disbelief 

"Sorry, she asked me to accompany her " Giyu explained 

"I guess I could go instead of you" you said giving up, Giyu had ask you to go on a mission which was supposed to be his mission.

"your're a life saver (Y/N), Thanks" he said as he pat your head and leave to meet up with her as you sigh, stretching your limbs.

"I've just returned from a mission you know" you muttered as you leave for the mission

"but this time...could you also look at me?" you muttered as this time you look  up and stare at his eyes. the snow starting to gather at your head and in your clothes, but you paid no mind to it.

"What were you thinking?! why would you ran on the rain, now you got sick" you scold but was taking care of him anyway.

"The rain got heavy, we have no choice but to run" He explained as he cough and sneeze again as he sickly lay on his bed. you frowned at the mentioned of 'we' but quickly hide it as you change the cloth on Giyu's forehead.

"Still you have your haori, you should have use it " you said as Giyu struggle to keep his eyes open.

"I gave it to her to use" he muttered before his eyes close followed by soft snores.

"and you won't even let me borrow your haori" you muttered as you pull his blanket up so it could cover him properly.

" never did notice me, but I've been here the whole time!" You explained, remembering every time you felt like giving up. you could feel tears gathering in the corner of your eyes.

"Can we go there for a second? I need to buy some flowers" you tugged Giyu's sleeve as you drag him towards the flower shop, which he oblige.

"there's so many to choose from which one should I buy?" you ask Giyu but he was also busy looking around the flowers.

"hey! are you listening to me at all?" you said as you walk towards were he was.

"this were her favorite flower" He muttered as he pick up the flower and proceed to buy it while you remain standing there sadly staring at a certain flower.

"..this one was my favorite " you muttered as you pick up the flower next to where he took 'her supposed favorite flower' 

"...(Y/N)" he muttered, his hand making it's way on the back of your head as he bring you close to his body. Giyu pulled you closer to him. your head resting on his chest as he rub your back up and down.

"I'm not asking that much, could you at lease give us a chance?" you muttered again as you clench his uniform with your hands.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice" Giyu said as he place his head on top of your head.

 all this time, while he was chasing the wrong person he was leaving behind someone who deeply cared for him, the person who was beside him all this time. he was busy looking forward that he didn't glance around him to notice, but this time, he was willing to slow down and let you catch up or rather he would go back for you and start to hopefully move on.

"I guess we could give it a try"

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