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Today, Dawn met Holly and Luke for breakfast.

"Holly, cupcake are you ready?" Luke hollered.

"Yes daddy I'm coming." She said running down the hall in blue jeans, combat boots and a violet sweater.

"You look adorable cupcake." He reached his arms out for her. She leaped into his arms.

"Now, I want you to be nice to her okay?" Luke said. Holly didn't respond she just nodded.

He slipped on his coat, and also Holly's making sure they were bundled up.

"Alright c'mon let's go." He carried her out into the cold winter air.


"Hey how are you?" Luke pulled Dawn in for a hug.

"I'm super great, now that you're here." She smiled. They stared at each other, but it wasn't awkward, it was peaceful.

"And you must be Holly." Dawn bent down so she was at height level with Holly.

Holly shyly smiled and nodded.

"Hi." She smiled.

"You're adorable." Dawn stood up from her position, after pinching Holly's cheeks, which quite annoyed her.

"Let's order shall we?" Luke asked as he sat Holly in the seat next to him, sitting across from Dawn.

After they decided what to order a lady in her mid 40s came to the table.

"Hi, my name is London, I'll he taking your orders today." She smiled, the lady looked quite nervous.

"We would all like to order two pancakes each." Luke said. The lady nodded and wrote down the order.

Within a few minutes the food came and they didn't hesitate to dig in.

After eating they were full, and could no longer intake any food, especially Holly.

"Daddy, I feel like an elephant." She groaned. Luke and Dawn both shared a look before bursting into laughter.

"Let's leave this place, I can't look at anymore food." Luke groaned.

"Same here, I feel like I'm going to explode." Dawn slightly chuckled. Making Luke smile at her.

Luke sat Holly in the car while Dawn and Holly stayed outside of the cars.

"This was really fun, Holly is an amazing girl, and you're an amazing guy." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"That's really sweet of you to say, but you happen to be extremely beautiful." He took her hands in his.

They both didn't realize how close their faces were.

Their faces were inches away from each other.

Luke m I bed in closer connecting his lips to hers, Dawn soon took action and kissed back.

"Daddy!" Holly yelled, Luke groaned and removed his lips from hers

"I'll call you later." Luke gave her an embrace.

"Bye Dawn."

"Goodbye Lucas." She replied, Luke playfully rolled his eyes making her laugh.

"Bye Luke."

A/N: this was rushed so if you don't like it I'm Sorry.

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