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I had a bunch of time during study hall so I spent all that time writing this hehe I even started on chapter 7 :P


Jimin sat on a park bench, watching with half-closed eyes as the clouds above him drifted across the sky. He'd snuck out of his house while his mother was drunk off her rocker.

It was the end of October, so the weather was beginning to get colder. Without much choice, he was forced to take the only jacket he owned - a beaten and extremely worn black jacket that he's had since elementary school. Luckily he didn't grow much.

Of course some school bullies had found him. Beat him up in plain sigh for anybody to see, but left when he gave little reaction. Today was supposed to be his free day.

He wasn't allowed to have free days apparently. He was fresh meat anyone could take at any given moment. Sadly, he knew this and just accepted the time in between.

"Hey, it's ash boy!" someone called as they walked closer. Jimin pursed his lips and kept his eyes on the sky above him.


Alright, he tore his eyes away at that. Not many people bothered to learn his name, so this had to interesting.

It was Yoongi and his friends - the only people that talked to him albeit briefly. They had shopping bags piled on their arms that swayed as they walked towards him. He gave a small smile at the blonde once he stood in front of him. "Hey." he stared up at Yoongi. Hopefully he wasn't taking away from their time.

"What're you doing out here?" Yoongi asked. Then he noticed the fresh bruises on his face. He reached out to caress Jimin's face gently. "Hey, where'd these come from?"

"Ah, I decided to get out of the house while my mom was...busy..." he trailed off and tapped his leg to get himself back on track. "Some kids from school found me here. They left awhile ago."

Yoongi sighed and quickly pressed  a soft kiss to the top of Jimin's hair and tried his best not to gag. The feeling of dry hair against his lips wasn't his favorite feeling. "I'm sorry. I'll beat them up on Monday, how about that?"

It'd been a few months since the two became friends. They've become fairly close - they'll get as close as Yoongi will let them. Jimin had grown accustomed to laying against Yoongi whenever he could. He was so cuddly - craving any sort of affection that he never got.

So Yoongi had grown a bit of a habit of acting affectionate towards Jimin. He knew that the more he catered to Jimin, the more he'd trust him. 

He just wished he had mouthwash anytime he pressed a kiss to Jimin's head.

"No, it's fine. You don't have to do that for me." he giggled and kicked his feet back and forth.

Good because I wasn't going to anyways, Yoongi chuckled to himself.

The blonde pointed a thumb towards his friends that were chatting behind him. "We're just running around, do you want to join us?" he wasn't asking because he wanted Jimin there, but just to be polite. He had an image to keep.

Jimin took a peek at his friends. One - Jungkook - was doing tricks with water from his water bottle to entertain Seokjin. Hoseok was off to the side, petting a squirrel and talking to it in a full on conversation. Interesting. 

He quickly shook his head. "Oh, no, I don't want your friends to be uncomfortable with me around."

"Hey, they won't all be uncomfortable," he waved his hand and pointed to Jungkook with the other. "Jungkook's grown fond of you."

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