[17] Dinner

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The family dinner went well, the food was amazing and it was nice to sit around with my family acting as if we're normal, it seems all our meetings recently are about the Corbas.

After dinner, the girls made their way inside to have a few drinks and play some silly board games. The boys and I stayed outside having a few beers.

"How are you coping with everything?" Jordan asks

"Good, I think I'm doing okay." I shrug

"I think you're doing well, holding down both businesses." Zay nods as he takes a sip of his beer.

"Alright, I'll say it, what everyone's thinking." Leo smirks "what's going on with you Aubrey?"

I should have seen this coming. "Nothing, she works for me, you know this." I shrug

"Come on mate, we all see through that." Nate laughs

I roll my eyes "nothing is happening and nothing is going to happen, she doesn't fit in, in our world"

"She seems to fit in well to me," Zay argues. "The girls love her, I think she's lovely and your mother adores her."

"Not our world, the world." I give them the look

"Oh" they nod in understanding

"Not even I could be that selfish," I admit.

An hour has past and Aubrey makes her way downstairs. "Hey." She smiles at us all.

"Hey." We all reply.

"I just wanted to come and let you know I'm leaving."

"It was nice to meet you Aubrey." Grandad smiles

"You as well, all of you." She says happily "thank-you for having me." 

"Anytime." Dad gives her a smile

"Don't forget I'll come around and check out this car of yours over the weekend." Zay reminds

"Yes, thank-you so much."

She turns to me and the guys go back to talking. "Thanks for letting me be part of your family for the night." She wraps her arms around me, holding me in a tight embrace.

"Anytime," I whisper and hold her close.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She pulls back from the hug and walks away, turning once to wave before she keeps walking until out of sight.

"You're not taking her home?" Zay questions.

"Should I be?" I ask confused

"Her car isn't staring, she got a cab here, I'm assuming she's getting home the same way."

"She failed to tell me that." I huff softly. "Maybe she's still here." I head off the direction she went in.

I reach the front of the house and find her stepping from side to side as she watches her phone.

"You didn't tell me your car isn't starting again."

She jumps at the sound of my voice "Stop doing that." She holds her chest for a moment. "I didn't tell you because you'd want to come and get me and it's out of your way, so I got a cab."

"I told you I'd pick you up, it wasn't a problem."

"Your house is five streets away, it'ed be silly to drive all the way to get me and come back again."

"At least let me drive you home? It must have cost you a fortune to get here."

"I already booked the cab East."

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