poem in engleza despre mine

38 11 12

i don't feel like me
i wish to be back
i feel like my body's all floating on flight
and my messy room is reflecting
all the thoughts I've been losing by scaring
every person away with my mind
which seems clean at first sight
but is crumbling and collapsing on itself
my books are dirty, and so is my brain
i am not good, and i will never be
i just wish i was more than nothing
and that my soul could not care enough to ignore
but care enough to hurt and be sore
since I opened up for a bit
i want to close down and go extinct
i am imoral, my thoughts are not pure
give me some green sleeves
so I can cut my head off
my ego's a wall
but stones have been thrown
and I don't know if the stones are strong, or the wall's just not
and I have been so expired inside
my feelings and guts seem to have rot
my tears are falling, and so is my heart
built by lust, gluttony, greed and pride
my mess of a life is tearing apart
so is this poetry with no rule followed
a metaphor, a reference
to the self-esteem going down
and my mind
my heart
my gluttony
and pride
fall apart
with my heart
remaining between the broken pieces
being stabbed
multiple times
just as the world shows me
that I should
pay for
my carelessness

A/N this was literally meant to stay in the drafts but like enjoy

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