T H I R T Y - F O U R

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She slowly walked towards Ron and her heart began to pound, thinking that this will be her last day. Her body started to tremble with fear, as she looked at Ron, who was giving her a stern look. Maybe his look weren't deadly at all or maybe his words will definitely kill her with just one word. She sat beside him, facing Ron and the twins. She get that Ron, Fred, and George were concerned for Harry. But is this all necessary? She thought to herself.

Yes, she admitted that she was wrong, but is she prepared to explain it to them? No, said the voice inside her mind. She knew exactly why that tiny little voice said no. It was because she can't explain it to Harry earlier and so why expect that she can explain to the twins and Ron? She knew she can't do it and she don't know why. But there is also one thing, she knew and that is; sooner or later people or her friends will eventually knew- and she could already imagine their expression would be like.

Y/n then realized that she was taking too long to utter a word since she was busy drowning herself with her own thoughts. "Er- why did you called me?" asked y/n, showing her expression that she was terribly afraid about what will come next. Ron scooted a bit closer to y/n so that he can hear her words clearly.

"You know why," scoffed Ron, "Now tell us. We saw Harry awhile ago, crying- not to mention that he looked so heartbroken,"


She asked herself, and with just one single word, her heart sank. She was angry at herself for being like this to Harry.

"I'm really sorry, Ron," was all she said. Y/n gave Ron and the twins a sad look. Fred and George could easily see why y/n was acting like this and that is why both of them returned her small gesture. But of course, Ron always put up front his emotions first rather than thinking about it.

"How can you reject him like that? After all what he did to you," Ron breathed out, thinking that it was unfair for y/n to treat Harry like that, "You're just going to turn down his invitation?"

"Well then?!" his voice raised, making all the students in the common room turned their attention at them. Y/n's body tensed up, not knowing to do about it. Fred and George calmed their brother down, but being the stubborn boy he was, he didn't.

"Ron, calm down," Fred said calmly, as he placed his hand on his shoulder, trying to calm his heated brother down. George was also doing the same thing with Fred.

"How can I calm myself down when this girl right here doesn't give me any explanation?!" exclaimed Ron. All of the students decided to take their time to listened this interesting conversation, but of course they pretended as if they weren't actually listening to them at all.

Some of the gryffindor student was whispering to one another that Ron was being dramatic about the whole thing. But I say different, Ron wasn't being dramatic at all— instead he was protective around Harry. They've been best friends for four years now and he knew Harry a lot more than anybody else. Harry was fragile when it comes to a situation like this and Ron can't stand it to see his best friend like that.

If your friend can't do the same thing as Ron, is he or she really your friend at all? If your best friend was trapped in a situation like this, would you be protective around them?


Y/n internally answered to herself. She will be definitely be like this when her friends will be in a situation like hers. So, she can't really blame Ron for acting this way. He was doing his role to Harry and that is; being his best friend. Ron got tired of her act and that's when he stormed out, leaving Fred and George with y/n. The student slightly groaned to themselves, disappointed that they didn't saw some actions today like punching or screaming at each other.

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