The Predecessor Reunites with [X] (Izuku X Mafuyu Kirisu) [BNHA X Bokuben]

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Disgust. The words that Kirisu Mafuyu describes herself. Why? Because she is a teacher, that fell in love with a student. A student that became close to her for reasons. But because of it, she learned a lot of things about him.

Right now, UA invited her to observe the classes, and ask her to evaluate the teaching methods of UA teachers. She accepted the offer, but a question has been floating around her mind lately.

"Wonder. Did he became a student of UA like he dream about?" She thought, as she was walking the halls of UA. She will observe Class 1-A first before going to other classes.

"Kirisu-sensei, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here." Said one former No. 1 Pro Hero, All Might, or now known as just Toshinori Yagi. He's giving Kirisu a detour before she starts to evaluate the classes.

"Indebtedness. I should be grateful for this opportunity that you gave me. I will prove that this isn't a waste of time." Kirisu replied. They are walking at the halls when she noticed a green haired boy passed by.

"Recognize. His hair reminded me of him." She thought, as she remembered one student that she cherished for years. A student that she wanted to see his genuine smile, a smile with no worries or doubts. Toshinori noticed that she's spacing out, so he tapped her shoulders.

"Kirisu-sensei, are you alright? We're here now at Class 1-A's room." Toshinori said.

"Pardon. I was spacing out there. Please forgive me." She then bowed her head. Soon, they entered the room, which they were greeted with...

"THE FUCK?!?!?! WHY IS KIRISU-SENSEI HERE?!?!?!?!" Yelled by one Katsuki Bakugo. The class then turned their attention to the two newly arrived teachers.

"Imprudent. You still haven't change Bakugo-san. Your mouth is still filled with disgusting words and you still haven't matured. I'm disappointed." Kirisu interjected. The class laughs at her statements, while Shota Aizawa and Yagi were calming the students.

"Class, calm down." Aizawa then used his signature glare to warn his students, which it worked, and then he continues. "This is Mafuyu Kirisu, from Ichinose Academy, a prestige school in Japan. I hope you will behave as she will evaluate our teachings here, understood?" He then glared at his students again.

"Yes sir!" They all said in unison, fearful of what their stoic teacher could do if they will make a ruckus. Even the class's resident perverts Minoru Mineta and Denki Kaminari wouldn't attempt to make sexual remarks, as they too are scared of Aizawa.

But Yagi noticed one person is missing. "Where's Young Midoriya?" Yagi asked, as their resident hospital lover Izuku Midoriya is not in the room. The question grabbed Kirisu's attention.

"Forlorn. Midoriya couldn't be here. I know he will take education after graduation. We talked about this... I want him to take this... and we... and..." She thought. Before the start of Midoriya's 3rd year in middle school, she talked to him about his future. She knows he's quirkless, and she is aware of the bullying he receives. She tried her best to protect him, but the higher ups at Aldera Junior High wouldn't do a thing. That's why she quit before the start of Midoriya's 3rd year.

This also leads her to remember the past. The reason why Midoriya is important to her.


"Silence. I want you all to behave as the lecture is about to start." Kirisu stated. Aldera Junior High is a simple school. She chose to teach here for convenience. But it became something special...

"G-Guys, p-please give it b-back..." One frail Izuku Midoriya uttered. His notebook is taken by his classmates, again.

"Huh? You, quirkless loser, asking us to give it back? Please, don't expect us to be nice to a loser!!!" One of the students said while laughing. Then they tossed it around like a ball. Midoriya was helpless, as he couldn't fight back.

Izuku X Female Characters One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now