Chapter 8

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Jisoo was standing outside the door with two cups lukewarm tea in her hand and a plastic-wrapped muffin held between her teeth. She had been standing there for at least ten minutes now, looking like an idiot and waiting for Jennie to finish up her call. She'd almost barged in, but had stopped dead in her tracks when she'd heard Jennie say something that had caused the blood in her veins to freeze for just the slightest moment.

She couldn't help the fact that the walls were thin, or the fact that her hearing seemed to have risen to superhuman heights. And she certainly couldn't help the fact that she was blushing vigorously after hearing what Jennie had said.

She's breathtaking.

Jisoo had heard her fair share of compliments. She knew she was beautiful and cute and funny and smart. She had known it herself and had also heard it from a multitude of lovers over the years. She did not need anyone else to say them to her, not when she had the confidence from within to know that she was great.

But never in her life had anyone said that she was breathtaking.

And the fact that the person who had said it was Jennie just made it all way too overwhelming for her little heart to handle.

And so she was left standing outside the door, stunned, with her heart racing a thousand miles an hour while she tried to calm down the surging heat in her cheeks. Which, of course, did not work.

When she finally heard the word 'goodbye', Jisoo came to the realization that she was still blushing red as a tomato. She rushed to the nearby bathroom and quickly splashed cold water at her face, hoping it would tone down the redness.

"Come on, Jisoo, just tone it down. You can tone it down." She muttered to herself as she dabbed at her neck and cheeks with a cold wet towel. It only worked a little, but even a little was better than nothing at all.

When she stepped into the room, she noticed Jennie jump slightly as though she were surprised.

"Hey. I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" Jisoo asked gently after she'd made her way to her seat and handed Jennie a cup.

"No. I just finished up the call. Thanks for lending me your phone."

Jisoo took a sip from her cup and grimaced when she noticed the tea was barely warm. "Sorry about the tea, I swear it was hot when I left the café but I got lost on my way here."

Jennie smiled. "It's fine. I like my tea cold anyways."

For a while, they sat in silence. But somehow the silence between them was no longer uncomfortable, but rather comforting and calm.

"Your friend called." Jennie said after a while.


"Didn't catch her name."

"Did she talk fast and swear a lot?"


"Probably Lisa. She's the one who's coming here." Jisoo explained. "What'd she say?"

Jisoo saw now a pink hue gather onto Jennie's cheeks and noticed her purse her lips tightly shut. They had definitely had a conversation, and Jisoo just knew it had been about herself. What Lisa had said, however, was left unknown to her when Jennie shrugged and said: "Nothing much. Something about calling you later. Sending you her regards."

Jisoo nodded. She'd call Lisa later and demand she tell her what they talked about on pain of death.

"And she claimed our firstborn child. Whatever that means." Jennie muttered into her cup. Jisoo chuckled and laid back in her chair.

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