Chapter 17

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I felt a feather like kiss on my head and woke up. Opening my eyes I'm met with the sight of my handsome husband. As I take him in I see that he is fully dressed.

"Why the long face Kitten?" He asked hugging me. "Your dressed which means your leaving me." I replied with a pout. "I have to go and get ready to meet your grandfather. He called and would like to meet early so I need to go but dont worry my love we will be together soon. I love you Princess but I need to leave." He said as he held me. Kissing me on top of the head he said is goodbyes.

My phone rang. "Hello." I answer. "Goodmorning Athena, I hope you slept well." My grandfather spoke. "Yes, surprisingly better then ever." I replied. "That's good to hear dear. I was calling to ask you to brunch. If you could meet me in the dinning hall at ten thirty sharp. I have some guest I have flown in and I'd like us all to have a chat." He spoke. "Yes, of course. I'll see you then. Goodbye." I replied hanging up the phone and heading to the bathroom to prepare.

(Vincenzo's P.O.V.)

For the first time in my life I can honestly say I'm nervous. It's strange honestly. I'm not nervous about who I'm going to meet. I'm nervous about the situation.

Last night was one of the greatest nights of my life. Not only to be with her intimately which I've missed so much but to be able to hold her throughout the whole night knowing that she's safe in my arms was Heaven to me I can't lose that.

It got me thinking now of why she even left in the first place. I truly do love her with everything that I am. I don't want an ounce of pain to ever run its course through her body because of me. With that being said I haven't been able to stop thinking about this meeting. I've always been a very territorial and possessive man. When something is mine it's mine and no one can take it end of story so this power struggle with her Grandfather who is someone very important to he which means I can't just off him is hard for me.

I shouldn't be in a situation where something can possibly stand in between me and my pregnant wife is upsetting me to the point of madness. Was this all my fault yes and no. Yes, I should have told her from the beginning what was happening so that she didn't feel abandoned and betrayed. However as for sleeping with Katherine that was not a choice I was drugged. I did let my guard down because I was preoccupied so that is my fault as while. 

I will spend my entire life and even the afterlife making sure that Athena knows that she is the only one I have ever and will ever love besides my children and family. This thought however doesn't stop me for the fact that I'm nervous about what can go wrong in this meeting. I don't want her grandfather to try to come in between us and sway her decision because the truth is I feel as if  she will finally see that i don't deserve her and she will leave me which as a result I would go crazy. I know how much she loves her grandfather and Going to war with him if he doesn't agree with me being in Athena's life is the last thing I want to do. It would hurt her more than I've already done so I'm at a Crossroads of what to do. Be the man that I was raised to be who takes what's his and protects it until his death or be more understanding as Athena had taught me to be.

Now seeing the house in front of me makes me nervous. Even with all my top men with me. Getting out of the car I am automatically met with the two of the butlers. "Good morning Mr. Montevello. If you'll please follow me the Master is in his office. You may take one man in with you if that makes you feel at ease but no more the rest of your men can meet in the dining area." He says a string the way. I signal my men telling them that it's okay to follow the other Butler who's trying to show them where to go. I look at Caleb and he says he already knows walking next to me we enter into the grand office.

"Good morning Mr. Montevello, I'm glad you came. I'm actually looking forward to this meeting please sit." Athena's grandfather says as he points to our seats with a face that is unreadable. "Good morning to you as well Mr. DeLawncray, I'm happy that you accepted my offer to meet and I am also looking forward to this conversation. Please let me introduce you to my best friend and colleague Caleb." I reply with normal pleasantries. "It's very nice to meet you welcome to my home. I've actually heard nothing but nice things about you from my dear Athena. She says you are quite silly in nature in a good way that always makes her laugh and feel comfortable. I can't tell you how much I appreciate that." He greets Celeb. "Let me introduce my head of security Stephen. I believe you met yesterday if I'm not mistaken." He spoke this time with a little smirk playing on his lips. I looked over and I see the douche bag that had heart eyes for my wife and I just want to wring his neck but instead I give a Curt nod.

"Stephen is one of my best men and I have personally put him on detail for Athena because after all she is my most precious gift. I'm sure you can understand." He spoke with authority however I can tell he is baiting me. "Yes I would agree. Athena is the most precious gift known to man, so maybe I shouldn't get so mad that you're man there likes to make googly eyes at my wife." I said looking straight at Stephen. The old man laughs. "Yes most men do tend to only look at Athena. She can't help it really she looks like her mother. Who in turn look like her mother and as you can imagine it's one of the reasons why I married her. Athena comes from a long line of exquisitely beautiful women. I feel though that she has surpassed them all in her beauty. Due too not only how beautiful on the outside she is but her kind heart and gentle nature." He spoke with a genuine love a family when it came to Athena.

"Yes I would have to agree, Sir. From the moment I first met her I knew I could never have another. Not sure what struck my first if it was her gentle smile or her Angelic giggle or even down to her graceful ballerina like movements she has done nothing but captivate my thoughts and my soul. I knew when I first met her that I had to have her and that once I did I'd never let go." I explained to him.

My sister's fiancee is my husband. (Under Reconstruction sense 4-5-22)Where stories live. Discover now