Chapter 25

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I woke up to the light from the outside hitting my face so I tried shifting but couldn't. Until I looked down and seen Kane laying on my stomach.

I just decided to stay in the same position and turn the tv on, it was a smart one so I was able to watch YouTube videos and I began watching my daily YouTubers that I love watching.

Kane began moving from on top of me and I tried to take this chance to move my own self,

Mhmmmmm, stop moving
He said

Kane move over onto the other side

No I'm fine right here

And he went back to sleep

After about a hour of watching YouTube videos I fell back asleep.....

I woke up again but Kane wasn't here so I went to the bathroom brushed and came back out and laid down and thought of what I would be doing today. I'll check on my mom and go home I miss my bed
Even though I said I wouldn't be buddy buddy as much with Kane it's kind of hard when he is trying to be so affectionate, also I have to go to the store and buy a plan b I'll just have Emily go with me
I got up took a shower and got dressed (I have clothes here already from when I do sleepover)

I Changed into and oversized hoodie and Ugg's and left after locking his door and drove home

I texted him letting him know I had locked the door and was leaving and just put my phone on do not disturb so that if he called me I wouldn't hear it.
When I got home I made myself some breakfast with pancakes and eggs and watch more YouTube videos in my living room and ended up taking a nap
When I woke back up I FaceTime Emily

Hey Nina
Hey em
What's wrong why so gloomy?
I need you to come to the store with me so we can buy a plan b

Her mouth literally fell open

Nina!!!?.... are you not using protection ?? You nasty little bitch I always knew you liked it that way she said smirking into the camera

No! It's not like that I told him no but he didn't listen so now I have to just result to this

Yes I'll go with you I'll just get dressed and come now okay then we can grab brunch or lunch depending on the time I get there

Okay your a life saver❤️

I know! I'll text you when I'm on my way

And then we hung up I slid down my notifications bar and seen missed FaceTime calls from him and text messages

Honestly he's so impatient I just shake my head and open his messages

He's way too worried so I texted him I'm fine that I was home which I know he knows because he thinks I don't know that he has his men follow me and watch over me everywhere I go

He texted back asking why I wasn't answering I let him know I was talking to Emily, he asked what my plans were and I told him everything I was doing except getting the plan b idk if I want to tell him because what if he gets mad and kills me maybe it's best I just keep this between me and em

He gives me way too much money so I'll be using that to buy the plan b

I went and washed my dishes and heard a knock
On the door I opened and seen my one and only bestfriend

Hey emmmmmmmm, I've missed you

Yes because your damn boyfriend keeps kidnapping you from me she said hugging me back

I laughed

You wanna go now or later?

Doesn't really matter to me

Okay let's go no so we can grab food

Once we reached the store we made a plan on how we wouldn't make it obvious to get caught since his men was watching my every move this is also why I brought em so if we did get caught we could lie and say it's for her

As we walked in we went straight to the section and bought it and put it in her purse and then left and went to brunch it was amazing I just love eating food

All of a sudden in front the windows of the brunch shop a black jeep pulls up and men form out and then of course here goes Kane stepping out like why must you appear everywhere I go I swear sometimes this shit is so annoying, he can never just let me have a day to myself ! This is what I've been telling him about giving me space and he is having such a hard time accepting it

Sometimes I like to be alone

He steps out and we make eye contact through the glass door

I look at em and she looks at me ... here we fucking go
I say shaking my head continuing to drink my drink as he begins to walk into the restaurant.

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