Chapter 3 - Time to Dunk This Exam!

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Let me spill some tea, darling!

Alright, it has been ten months since that meeting. Believe it or not, it encouraged me to work harder. Does that mean Shouta knows of my dream? Hell no! I'm going to surprise him because I know he is a teacher at the school I'm trying for: UA.

UA is the top hero school in Japan. So far, no quirkless person has entered the school yet, but that will change soon. It's primarily known for having pro-heroes as teachers, an example being our man Eraserhead. It's no wonder he never gets sleep! I hope to force him to change that. He is the only man I know who deserves it at the moment.

The beach is clean now, but I don't have a girl. I hang there to exercise or work on some inventions. I will say it's beautiful. It's good to know I accomplished something before I died of stupidity.

I guess. I still rather have the girl like every prince in the Disney movies.

Oh, final update before we get to the present day; I have not smoked or drank for a year! Somehow! I will be honest. It slipped over me when the date come. I only recognized it after Shouta pointed it out. REWIND, BABY!


Two or three months ago. Do not expect me to remember the dates.

It was late at night, and I was on the beach enjoying the view. I was pissed off at life because of, well, life. Mom got salty with me because she realized that I signed up for UA without telling her. Yeah, you probably should tell your mother these kinds of things.

Oh, and Bakugo is an ass like always.

Overall, a rough day that day. I wasn't paying attention when I roll across the sand to avoid that damn scarf that has been in my life for a couple of years now. I will be honest. I'm surprised I even knew it was there, let alone dodge. Guess my instincts are that much better. Shouta comes over and sits beside me as I sit up.

"How you doing, problem child?" He asks.

"Hell, but oh well. Better on your side?" I reply.

"I'm surprised you aren't in a good mood because I am." Did he finally get ahold of some good heroin? Because he looks like he needs it. I'm sorry, but he always seems high to me!

"Of course you are."

"For you." IT'S REWIND TIME! That meme is probably in the wrong spot, but oh well!


"Did you seriously lose track? Damn problem kid. Anyway, you have been clean for a year, right?"

The whole world stopped spinning for a moment.

Seriously, it took me a minute to process. Then, the biggest smile comes across my face. Yes, a genuine fucking smile. GRAB YOUR CAMERAS BECAUSE IT'S POSSIBLE!

"I... can't believe it. I have been...I HAVE BEEN CLEANED OF THE MINI DEMONS IN MY BLOOD!" I laugh like a sociopath. I turn to face Shouta, and he has a rare smile on his face. Seriously, this makes him happy? I get my comedy is crap, but damn! He does not even slap me. "Hey, Shouta?"

"What, kid?"

"Thank you." He looks at me in surprise. I don't know if it because I'm saying thank you or that I'm actually being polite. You know your personality is trash if you have to think of what the shock is from. Which nice part?

"Izuku, you did this for yourself. I just supported you."

"I'm going to be honest with you, Shouta. If it were not for you, I would never have stopped." Okay, that might be overdramatic, maybe. I seriously don't know. Maybe mom would find out eventually? Or the cops can actually hold me? Either way, I'm not going to hop into a time machine and find out, though.

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