Chapter 40

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Georgia's POV

"Baby can we go out today," I said to Justin as we were lying on the bean bags in the boat.

"Sure what do you want to do?" he asked.

"I want to get a tattoo," I said and Justin had to do a double take too make sure he heard correctly causing me to laugh.

"Georgia you're 15," Justin said like I didn't know.

"But you're 22 and you can take me," I pleaded.

"Baby ask your mom for permission,"

"Fine," I pouted.

"Well what would you want to get?" he asked.

"I want to get a J," I said.

"Baby are you sure that's permanently on you?"

"I know and I want it,"

"In that case I'll get a G," Justin said and I clapped my hands hugging him.

"Let's go to my place," I said pulling Justin up from the comfortable position he was in as he let out a groan.

Demi's POV

Pushing Tiff's hair away from her face I softly planted a kiss on her cheek as she was waking up.

"Good morning babe," I smiled as she mumbled good morning.

"Let's do something, lets get out," I suggested and the response was a pillow being thrown to my head.

"Ow," I said rubbing my head.

"Let's go for a walk on the beach," Tiff said and nodding we both got up and got ready.

Walking out hand in hand the light breeze hit my face and it felt good to be outdoors with Tiff as well.

"Tiff what's bothering you?" I asked her.

"It's nothing I'm just not feeling very well," she said.

"Why what's wrong is it the baby or something?" I asked worried that something is dangerously wrong.

"I don't know,"

Falling back into a silence we reached the beach sat down on a grass area. I've got to say I've loved living in Australia it's been beautiful and amazing but I do miss America a lot.

"Do you miss living in America?" I asked Tiff and she shrugged, "Sometimes I do,"

"Would you ever move back?"

"Maybe one day yeah,"

Turning my focus back on the peaceful water I closed my eyes and took everything in, the quietness and the bliss I felt just sitting here.

"I love it here," I said not getting any response from Tiff and as I opened my eyes she had fallen on her back not knowing whether she was sleeping or not I shook her and yelled her name and there was no response, I called the paramedics in a rush hoping that everything will be alright.

I held Tiff tightly to my body and waited for the paramedics, "You'll be okay baby," I whispered brushing her hair to the side, "You'll be okay,"

Georgia's POV

Walking inside the house there was nobody there which was weird as usually somebody is here.

"Baby I found this we have to get to the hospital," Justin said rushing into the room.

Reading the note we both rushed out and Justin drove as fast as he could to the hospital. As we arrived I jumped out before the car had even stopped and rushed to the room that Alexia texted me with Justin following close behind.

"Whats happening!" I said as everyone turned to look at me and I saw Mom with her head between her legs.

"We don't know anything yet and we won't for a while still," Kristian said.

Nodding I went over to my mum and hugged her tightly, "Hey mom," I smiled and she kissed my cheek holding my hand.

"How are you hun?"

"I'm good Mom you?"

"Freaking out," she said.

"Mama will be alright,"

"I hope so,"

We sat there in silence holding hands and hoping for good news and a doctor appeared, "Lovato's," he said and we all stood up.

I walked over to Justin as he wrapped his arm around me and I held my moms hand.

"Mrs Lovato is healthy and fine," he said.

"What about the baby?" Mom asked.



Is there going to be a miscarriage??

Thoughts on Georgia's idea for a tattoo??

Also this book is coming to an end soon Id say about 10-20 more chapters not exactly sure yet but yeah around that.

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