too far.

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Walking through the cold empty airport, I closed the oversized jacket that Gio allowed me to wear of his home. I looked up at the huge clock for the time.


It was extremely late and I was now back in New York. I hadn't spoken to Sage since 1am when I was in the club. I only spoke to him through Lee but only to let me know that he got the plane ticket and he'd have car service come and pick me up.

The only good thing coming out of tonight was that I'd ended up finding my purse and phone, while everything was still inside of the purse. Thank god.

I made my way through the airport as I walked towards the front doors. Walking out, the driver was right there and holding up my name on his piece of paper.

I made my way over to him as he grabbed all of my bags and opened the car door for me.

Once he got in, we drove for about an hour before we got to Sage and I's building.

"Thank you." I told him as he opened my door for me.

"Of course." He smiled, carrying my bags to the door.

Rolling my suitcase and putting my other bag on my shoulder, I made my way to the elevators, speaking to the bellhop as I passed him.

I nervously walked in, pressing P for Sage and I's place before inserting my key. It seemed as though the elevator was speeding all of a sudden. It'd gotten to Sage and I's floor in a matter of seconds when it usually took a minute or two.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped off of the elevator and looked around our house. The elevator doors closed behind me as I dropped my bags.

The house was dark so I was beginning to think Sage wasn't here before I felt a presence behind me when I walked further into the house.


"Don't even say my name." He cut me off, putting his hand up as I turned around.

"So that's what you went to Atlanta for, huh?" He asked and I closed my eyes, sighing.

"Just let me explain." I stood there, looking at him as he pierced me with his eyes.

I stood there for a while stuck under his gaze, gathering my words. I'd gathered them for longer than expected and I ended up with absolutely nothing to say.

"Explain!" He yelled, making me flinch. I wasn't used to him yelling and putting in the hot seat like this.

"I don't know, babe. I was just mad at you." I ended up saying, looking at him with pleading eyes.

"So you go and act like a hoe because you're mad?" He spat and I tucked my lips.

"Don't call me out of my name, Sage because I don't do it to you."

"I didn't call you a hoe. I said you were acting like one..."

"Stop trying to flip this shit, Olive."

"Did you cheat?" He asked, looking down at me seriously.


"Did you cheat, Olive? Yes or no?" He spoke sternly, cutting me off. He wasn't even allowing me to speak.

He was so mad at me, I began to regret everything. Though I didn't actually cheat, I knew he would be mad about everything that happened in Atlanta. And I knew that I was wrong. I would've never done any of it if he was there.

Before I could even open my mouth to speak, my phone rang loudly interrupting us as we stared at each other. He adverted his attention to my ringing phone as I looked at him with hurt eyes.

Sage (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now