Chp. 9 A sign of goodbyes

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It was both awkward and sad at the same time. We all sat for breakfast without talking except for Lindsey who knew something was going on. She broke silence, and at that time I got angry at the both of them. I started to yell at Lindsey for just being this friend who didn't even know me but somehow wanted to get to know me because of the dreams. Like what kind of shit goes through your head unlike me. Then out of nowhere I started to get yelled at by the both of them. Even though the only person I could hear was Natasha, I heard Lindsey start saying how I'm selfish and how I should really listen to people and get to know someone before making a judgment. But then I got too mad so I just grabbed my coat and left without even looking back. My life sucked, I just wanted to jump off a bridge or run away or whatever was easy for me. I cried while walking to literally nowhere. I dropped everything and just had a mental breakdown. Inside I trusted my heart too much, eventually letting it guide me to sad thoughts and heartbreak. I was too young for this. I was too happy for anything.I was insecure and didn't realize my actions could cause so much sadness and anger. I reached a small lake nearby, I just sat near the water and cried for hours up until night time. My family was probably worried but don't worry I sent them a quick text lying about where I was. The only place I wanted to be was near the lake so I could cry. It was around 8 pm and I was so hungry and just tired and mentally drained. I couldn't even move anything. I heard someone running towards me but It was too dark to see who it was. The figure started to move towards me and put a hand out to help me up. I started to see again but only when we were near light. It was a young lady, same age as me I would believe. As we got near a brighter light I started to recognize who this person was. It was Natasha. She was probably still mad but I let her give me water and some food so I wouldn't actually die. I thanked her without even looking at her. She nodded and said "You can come back and get some rest if you want". No thought in my head wanted to ever go back. I refused with a quick no and started to walk away, but was grabbed by the arm to stop and turn around to face her. I shrugged her hand off my arm and just walked away with saying "This is it, we are saying goodbye to each other, so don't go making me come back". I felt so bad about it but she could have never walked away in the first place. I offered my love to her and she should be thankful for that. I walked away without any knowledge of what emotions she was showing. I was just walking anywhere at this point. I followed a path that led me into the city. I found a little place near an abandoned shop to sleep overnight. It was cold and I had no blankets, and I wasn't homeless but I just didn't want to go home. I should be somewhere warm because I just got out of the hospital a few days prior to this situation. Hours passed and I was waking up to lots of people in the city just walking and going to work. I found some change in my pocket and bought a couple of little snacks. I walked towards the park that looked familiar in my dream. This was weird because the park was right next to my house. Of course, I walk right near my house. I ran the opposite direction towards the lake again. This time, I was confronted by a man who offered some money. I kindly refused but the man got angry and said I should take it or I would die looking like a girl who just got fucked over. This man pissed me off so much but I kept my cool. I walked away but the man followed me, I started to yell again but this time I was about to fight him. He got in my face and acted like he was such a tough guy when in fact he was little weak bitch.  He suddenly got so angry that he turned around and grabbed something out of his pocket, it was a matter of minutes that I could see what it was before realizing I got stabbed. I felt myself drop to the ground. The cut didn't seem too deep but very painful to a girl like me. All I could picture was me going back to the hospital but I couldn't let that happen. In the distance I could see Natasha running towards me. I didn't know if this was real but  in fact it was. She and Lindsey were teaming up to save me. Lindsey being the brave one ran after the guy and fought him to the ground and called the cops. Natasha kept me awake for as long as she could. As I faded almost, I kept hearing "Stay with me, it's going to be alright, don't let me down, you're my only love so please stay with me". A sudden sound of the ambulance and I was out like a light.

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