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Quintlian laughed at Pappion's attitude like a toddler being teased, he step forward and engulfed the system with his short arms to a warm hug which shocked the angry, pink blob of a System. It's color slowly turned back to it's original shade of pink and the system found itself to nuzzle more into Quintlian's warm embrace. After a moment of comfortable silence, Quintlian finally spoke.



'Miss you'

Ti's was the day that Quintlian would finally put his plan into action and preferably, the starting point of the Heroine's downfall. Along the remaining time before the Heroine will do her plan, Quintlian spent his time improving himself with the help of Pappion while also choosing another skill after the pink blob slapped some sense into him because, come on, now is not the time to about food.

And that's why, he has no other choice but to experience another 14 years of hell in the training Realm while learning anything medical that has been involve in that skill. And maybe, just maybe, he may be able to use it when meeting the First Princess of Knox, Sylvia. And all of these things is being said and done while Quintlian is being accustomed to this Game's original Plot.

On the original plot line of the game,Keliana Astrian was the only ('only' my beautiful ass) daughter of the Duke and Duchess Astrian. Born with the sacred magic of light,the Heroine's life has always been put at stake because of it's rareness and importance.

Wanting to prove herself strong and much more beyond that, the Heroine does any task given by the game in order for her and her ability and magic constitution to improve. Along side that said path, the Heroine will meet 4 capture targets along with two hidden capture targets. Each route to choose have many different story line. But there's only one unfortunate villain in each story line given by the chosen capture target.

Back to the present, this is finally the time where the Heroine will steal the journal to eventually use it. It's a good thing that Quintlian has already formulated a plan, after the Heroine will take the journal and WILL fail miserably in every projects and ideas in that journal, Quintlian will jump in and WILL successfully save the day. And maybe, in some situation, earn some money while doing so. Heh, maybe there is a way, he can come up with an idea to earn a fortune! And then, he can finally leave this Glob-forsaken house of dukedom! hehehe. And maybe, along that path, he can take revenge to those who lead the original Quintlian's demise! MEHAHAHAHA!

'Hossst, the Heroine is going towards your quarters!' Pappion finally break it's host from his silly plans.

And with that, Quintlian pulled the covers up until his head and pretended to sleep. The sound of the creek of the dingy door resonated throughout the space. Quintlian silently peeked under the covers he was covered in to see a small silhouette illuminated by the tiny light outside coming inside his room. It tiptoed quietly to not wake up the person inside besides her. When it finally reached the table, it scuffled all around until it found what it was looking for. A whispered "yes" has Quintlian's brow to raise as that silhouette came back slowly to the door and........and ran......without even closing the said door.


'Yes, Host?' The immediate response of the system nestled beside his head.

Quintlian rubbed his temples as an irk mark appeared. 'Is she far away?'

'Yes host, approximately 315 meters from Host's Quarters'

'That little brat' Quintlian stood up and went towards the door  with a sigh. His frown deepened when he doesn't see any of the guards that were supposed to guard him. Wasn't he supposed to be confined to his room for three days? Why aren't there even guards here to guard him incase he possibly escaped. All of these people are so hateful. He will definitely. get revenge.

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